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108 files

  1. High Elf Horse Mounts based on Horse2 models

    Series of horse mounts based on Horse2 models and thought for High Elf characters.

    Contains 5 different models for regular horse, elite horse, paladin regular horse, elite paladin horse and armored pvp horse.



  2. Improved Models for 1.12.1 clients

    Welcome to World of Warcraft Improved Models mod. Azeroth new reborn state, which adds a new view and more enjoyable gameplay with the update models version of the game. My point was to update the game as much as I could with the new models introduced in the latest game expansions and replace those old crusty models of the past without ruining the feel of old classic wow.
    So here we are after a long journey that finally ends. I enjoy it, that trip to newly modding ground as WoW offers. I want to thanks to many modders from the modelling community that help me to overpass many weird things as also to learn many new things in the area of wow modding. Also want to thank in advance Koward for his awesome work in his tool. Many thanks to Nanoxo,Mumblz, Finsternis for their additions in the texture area as also Exonis for some model fix additions to the BETA and Magnifican for the last final tests and suggestions.

    That's all, enjoy Azeroth to its new look and feel!

    Zerocool, out!
    Video tutorial and quick view by Frostadamus:



  3. Nether Drake Mounts High-Res

    High resolution nether drakes. I used the body of the grotto nether drake and modified the wings of the dragon2 model to make them more similar to the old netherdrake models.
    In CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc  use:
    Texture1 = body color texture
    Texture2 = glowing bits texture (horns and stripes)
    Texture 3 = saddle / armor texture
    It is a single model with the possibility to add armor, helm or saddle depending on the used geoset numbers in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc
    In the CreatureGeosetData column use
    0x23 for the mount without armor and saddle
    0x21 for the mount with a saddle
    0x22 for the mount with armor
    0x11 for the mount with saddle and helm
    0x12 for the mount with armor and helm
    I hope you like them



  4. Grand Drake Mounts High-Res

    High resolution grand drakes made using the companion drake model (modified) plus the dragon2 wings and various pieces from other dragon models. Also rigged Tomkek's Onyxia drake mount to the old drake mount skeleton and swapped the wings.
    All models use 3 custom monster textures:
    Texture1 = skin
    Texture2 = horns and other ornaments
    Texture3 = saddle
    Models unclude:
    - Alexstrazsa from cataclysm
    Model: Drakemount2Grand.m2
    Textures: AlexDrake_01.blp and AlexDrake_02.blp
    -Alexstrasza from Dragonflight
    Model: Drakemount2GrandAlex.m2
    Textures: AlexDrake_01.blp and AlexDrake_02.blp
    - Malygos
    Model: Drakemount2grandmalygos.m2
    Textures: MalygosDrake_01.blp and MalygosDrake_02.blp

    Model: Drakemount2grandTerac.m2
    Textures: TeracDrake_01.blp and TeracDrake_02.blp
    Model: Drakemount2grandYsera.m2
    Textures: YseraDrake_01.blp and YseraDrake_02.blp
    Textures: NightDrake_01.blp and NightDrake_02.blp (for nightmare version recolor)
    Model: Drakemount2grandNozdormu.m2
    Textures: NozdormuDrake_01.blp and NozdormuDrake_02.blp
    Textures: MurozondDrake_01.blp and MurozondDrake_02.blp (for infinite dragonflight recolor)
    Model: Drakemount2grandHalion.m2
    Textures: HalionDrake_01.blp and HalionDrake_02.blp
    Textures: UltraxionDrake_01.blp and UltraxionDrake_02.blp (for blue recolor)
    -Onyxia (modified Tomkek's model)
    Model: Drakemount2grandOnyxia.m2
    Textures: OnyxiaDrake_01.blp and OnyxiaDrake_02.blp
    Textures: NefarianDrake_01.blp and NefarianDrake_02.blp (for Nefarian's orange and yellow recolor)
    -Nefarian (modified Tomkek's model)
    Model: Drakemount2grandNefarian.m2
    Textures: NefarianDrake_01.blp and NefarianDrake_02.blp
    Textures: OnyxiaDrake_01.blp and OnyxiaDrake_02.blp (for Onyxia's purple recolor)
    I hope you like them



  5. Hig-Resolution Drakes for 3.3.5

    Higher resolution models for the classic drakes, WotLK 3.3.5
    - Drakemount2 folder: with various models for yout mounts (without armor, with armor + headgear and with armor + runes for the Azure drake)
    - Drake2 folder: with models for the regular drake mobs, if you want to switch them too.

    Textures to use  in the dbc:
    - Custom creature Texture 1 = skin of the drake
    - Custom creature Texture 2 = used only for the Azure drake runes
    - Custom creature Texture 3 = used for the armor texture
    Just add the folders to an -mpq patch and add the models + texture choices to the creaturemodeldata.dbc and creaturedisplayinfo.dbc to start using them in in-game models.
    After seeing Tomkek's redesign of the Onyxian drake, I wanted to try and make a model that could be used for the old drakes and still kept most of their aesthetics intact. The higland drake model was a good start, but it really looked too "generic fantasy dragon" and missed most of the aesthetic choices that made wow classic drakes unique.
    I changed the wings for the wings in the Dragon2 models from Dragonflight, reshaped the head a little, reshaped the horns and for some models, added armor pieces, then rigged the meshes onto the old mounts' skeletons for animations.
    Then proceeded to modify the textures and recreate the colors that weren't already present (again thanks to Tomkek for both inspiration and the base texture for the crocodile scales back of the Onyxian drakel, I blatantly copy pasted it).
    The job might not be the best quality (this was my very first try at something more complex than retroporting models and fixing some minor issues. Texturework is amateurish at best and some animations might look a little wonky (especially the tail), but I still wanted to share the results.
    I hope you enjoy it.



  6. [3.3.5a] Void Elf Heritage Armor (Wings Only)

    Ripped and retroported from the heritage armor set visual, fx are not exact, change placement/size via spellvisual dbcs



  7. [Wotlk 3.3.5] Troll Zandalari Heritage Armor

    This will replace  Vile Fumigator's Mask (  .add 50741 or .additem 50741  ) and  Corrupted Ashbringer  ( .add 39895 or .additem 39895 ) to look like  Troll Zandalari heritage armor.
    I will update file when figureout how fix animation on armor or someone tell me how to do this (or leads by the hand  ).
    If someone could  tell me , where I can find in files game (what name got) backpack from  Vile Fumigator's Mask? I will be thankfull.
    If someone wants to use, feel free.
    You can unpack package in root folder, them use custom game exe like "Edited WoW.exe 12th Generation " by  Alastor Strix'Efuartus or create for example "patch-x.mpq" file.



  8. (Corrupted) Ashbringer From Shadowlands [Wotlk]

    This will replace  Ashbringer ( .additem 13262 or .add 13262 ) and  Corrupted Ashbringer  .(additem 22691 or .add 22691) to look like Alexandros Mograine Ashbringer from Shadowlands.
    I will update file when figureout how fix animation on weapon or someone tell me how to do this (or leads by the hand  ).
    If someone wants to use, feel free.
    Big thanks for khyle650 and TrinityTools for explane how fix textures
    You can unpack package in root folder, them use custom game exe like "Edited WoW.exe 12th Generation " by  Alastor Strix'Efuartus or create for example "patch-x.mpq" file



  9. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) Standard Kart Mount

    Hey all just uploading this one real quickly

    I wanted to share these without strings attached, ill be using this mount in part of a tutorial later so i wanted everyone to have access to the files beforehand to make it easier

    -Use CreatureDisplayInfo textures as follows;
    --Variant 1 = Emblem 
    --Variant 2 = Kart Skin/Colors
    --Variant 3 = Tire Skin (Use slick/cyberslick, or your own recolor)

    -Spinning wheels
    -Reflective surfaces
    -HD pre-baked textures

    This should support around 20 separate recolors of the Standard Kart from MK8
    Use the goblintrike spells as a template to set them up as new mounts
    (I did not include a .csv or .dbc as i have not set one up for myself either)

    Enjoy friends!



  10. Creature Mod

    Just short , new edited creature models for wotlk.
    I dont think that any update will come.
    You need both, Patch-F and Patch-G.



  11. [WotLK] All M2s/Textures/Tilesets from all expacs

    This is all content that has been successfully ported from all expansions up to Shadowlands to work with WotLK. Technically, it's ALL m2s/wmos and their linked textures exported from retail 9.2.5 using the WoW Export tool. Then all files were TXID fixed, along with being ran in the MultiConverter. Afterwards, a python tool I made was used to remove all files overlapping from vanilla WotLK content. This ensures that ONLY expansion content is in this file. I am absolutely confident this is currently the best patch available for this kind of content.
    Enjoy M2s, WMOs, tilesets, textures, flames, and other visuals from Shadowlands, BFA, Legion, WoD, MoP, and Cata.
    The files are available in BOTH an MPQ and loose file format. The MPQ version is a 14.8GB download, labelled Patch-N.MPQ. The loose files are in a highly compressed 13.3GB .zip file. When either of these are exported, there should be 178,479 files totaling 27.6GB. If you'd like to use it in noggit or your client regardless of the content, download the MPQ version and place it in your Data folder. If you want to only use the tilesets or specific expansion content, download the loose file version and create your own patches with MPQ Editor.


    Zarkeven's WMO Patch
    Alastor's Expansion patch, commissioned and distributed by Valaryon
    TXID Fixer
    Adspartan's MultiConverter, adjusted by MaxtorCoder
    MPQ Editor (3.2)
    WoW Export
    Implave's WMO's 8.2-10.1
    Known issues -
    A lot of Shadowlands WMOs don't work. I ran this in TXID fixer, then Multiconverter, so I couldn't say why they don't. They just don't.
    Lava/Slime is broken. You might want to delete them before making your patches.
    No DBC files are in the .rar. These can only be spawned in noggit and not in-game.
    My meme name for the folder is still in there, dubbed "supergoodportedstuffnotedited". Woops.
    Notes -
    If I find the time to separate these patches out, I'll return with a patch to update this link. If given the same circumstances, I'll also provide a DBC file to merge with yours along with instructions to spawn them in-game. Keep an eye out for updates here if they happen
    If used, credits are appreciated! This took about 3 days to complete along with 200GB of drive real estate to mess with these files and make sure a working product was achieved. That does not include the cooperation of community members who contributed to this resource - those individuals should be thanked and appreciated for their contributions to make this happen!
    Also, check out Ember, where this content will be used in a roleplay setting!
    Thank you for your time and reading this. This is my first submission to model-changing.net and I hope it's useful to someone.



  12. Sethrak for Draenei female and male|WoW 3.3.5a

    Hello, I and Experimenst want present you Sethrak for Draenei female and male. Created for World of Warcraft 3.3.5a.  If anyone wants help as fix this stuff I invite you to cooperation. 
    you can edit patch-e.mpq
    if you want change skin textures just open mpq file next open folder creature and replace blp named sethrak_black
    In folder "character icon" you can find "UI-CharacterCreate-Races"
    for worgen and golbin https://model-changing.net/files/file/191-aplharetail-worgen-and-goblin-335/ and normal character.
    You can put "UI-CharacterCreate-Races" in your\WOW3.3.5a\Interface\Glues\CHARACTERCREATE
    Special Thanks Experimenst for amazing work model fix to working with textures.
    Big thanks for warfoll02 who give me permission for modyfing this amazing stuff. Link for download 
    My another stuff/mods:



  13. TomKek HD Epic Kodo's 1.0.0

    TomKek on YouTube remade the Epic Kodo Mounts. And now you can play with them!
    Converted them myself to 3.3.5 with M2Mod (Using Vicious War Kodo as the base one, thus the particles), missing textures created between me and @Codeymous, also Brewfest Kodo created and painted (some parts), by myself with some guiding from @Codeymous and Tomkek himself. We've also included a version with the original horns the other Kodo's have.
    The download includes two patches, one with the original horns, and the other with the epic/alternative horns, each patch has two models, one for the Brewfest Kodo, and one for the rest, textures are the same for both patches. Also includes a RAR with the M2 exported from M2Mod, they don't have the edited particles, or textures to use DBC Monster 1 & 2, but these should be easy edits with Alastor's M2 Template for 010.
    Edited the model to use only the particles in the eyes, and those particle colors to be changed by the ParticleColor DBC (Mention to Alastor for mentioning it, as I did not know this DBC existed)
    The Creaturedisplayinfo.dbc includes changes for adding the ParticleColor ID, and changing the texture names, also, the CretureModeData includes a new row with the Brewfest Kodo.
    Thanks to Tomkek for giving us the original files, couldn't have done it without him.
    In game Preview
    Watch TomKek creating the models here, and perhaps check out his other HD remake projects, such as his HD Nightsaber, or Mimiron's Head. Also consider checking out his Discord
    TomKek Discord: https://discord.gg/4NqKVGvHhk
    You can also download Tomkek's Mechanostriders we already converted a month ago:



  14. [TomKek Remaster] HD Corrupted Ashbringer

    TomKek's HD Remastered Corrupted Ashbringer, contains raw files and replacement patch that will replace most instances of the weapon without the use of DBC mods, applicable to any 3.3.5a server/repack

    Related Video:

    Highly recommend to watch his channel, he is quite the talented artist
    Always a pleasure to work with as well  

    Same framework as the original Corrupted Ashbringer
    Reflective surface
    Enchantment visuals are supported
    "LowRes" texture included if 2048x2048 gives you issues

    Missing particles, will add later since its a pain and not very visible
    Didn't test the "whispering" let me know if it doesn't work ill make sure to fix it 




  15. TomKek HD Mechanostriders

    TomKek on YouTube remade the Mechanostrider models in HD. And now you can play with them!
    Converted by Gomb (who you might alternatively know as Lyswh on Discord) for 3.3.5,  re-rigged by Cyn, and missing textures created by myself, Tom's amazing HD update to the classic Gnomish riding machines has been brought to life so that you too may ride in style on the finest gnomish engineering... if you're small enough to not surpass the weight limits on the things anyway.

    Watch TomKek creating the models here, and perhaps check out his other HD remake projects, such as his HD Nightsaber and Epic Kodo mounts. Also consider checking out his Discord.
    TomKek Discord: https://discord.gg/4NqKVGvHhk



  16. Beetle Mount

    Had the give the Draflight Beetle Mount a shot and it works good enough for me lol. I used Wow-export for the files and converted them using MaxM2 converter. Just download the files into a folder named beetlemount, make your path in creaturemodeldata, then make a corresponding creaturedisplaceinfo entry. Add the saved DBC's to your patch and there ya go  Once again thank you to those who helped guide me to figure out how to get retroports to work correctly. Love the community and the work others put out. Good luck and happy modding!



  17. Kargath Bladefist for WoTLK 3.3.5a

    Kargath Bladefist's WoD Model for WoTLK 3.3.5a
    Simple patch that replaces Warchief Kargath Bladefist's model on The Shattered Halls dungeon with Kargath Bladefist's WoD model. To install it just place the MPQ file in your World of Warcraft/Data folder.



  18. Fancy3D Weapons (3.3.5a)

    Imported from a couple different games running an engine with similar capabilities to World of Warcraft 3.3.5a
    A few of the items i imported, each with 2 colors


    (P.S. The one in the pic is the "LongSword")



  19. Murloc Mount

    Trying to learn more about Retro-porting and with the help of a good friend and max's m2converter I finally have the Murloc Mount. Didn't even try with Txid remover it ended up working by just slapping it in the Converter. Thank you to Robinson Leo for the help on fixing the files to get the eyes to work right!



  20. Mogulieutenant [3.3.5a]

    bueno chicos acavo de convertirlo para 3.3.5a es una creature nueva espancion



  21. Jack-O-Stick!


    One of the first meshes i sculpted in Blender, used some stock texture and added some fire particles inside the pumpkins. (In hind sight maybe i should've just used the existing blizz jack-o-lanterns :P)
    Could use more detail and time in the texture, but either way, enjoy the festive stick! (Late as it may be)
    (Textures are hardcoded)



  22. Hallowen statue




  23. Dreadwing and Ravenlord mounts for 3.3.5a with extra colors

    Dreadwings and Ravenlords retroported for 3.3.5a
    This includes:
    Dreadwings (mounts with fire and particles rising into the air)
    - Corrupted Dreadwing (green fel)
    - Orange Dreadwing (sun orange)
    - Purple Deadwing (void purple)
    - Yellow Dreadwing (yellow holy)
    These models have Hardcoded textures.

    Ravenlords (I changed the ravenlord model to accept textures from the CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, first texture is for the body, second texture is for the wings and third texture is for the saddle)
    - Regular blue ravenlord (the one from the Blizzshop)
    - Purple
    - Green
    - Orange
    - Brown
    - Yellow

    It also contains spare models for npc mobs for some of the colors.
    EDIT: for better use, set a 0.4 model scale in CreatureDisplatInfo.dbc



  24. Retroported Dragonflight mounts pack for WotLK 3.3.5

    Retroported models for some of the mount in the upcoming Dragonflight expansion (plus icons).
    Retroported Mounts:
    Lava Slug and Lava Snail Wind Hawk Primal Dragonfly River Otter and Armored River Otter Moose Bull Kirin Water Salamander Mammoth and Lava Mammoth Primal Tallstrider Primal Thunderlizard Slyvern (fox wyvern) - Import the files in an .mpq patch keeping the file paths already in the the compressed file.
    - add the models in CreatureModelData.dbc and in CreatureDisplayID.dbc (then add them to your client patch and server)
    Some of the models look better by scaling them a little bit in the CreatureDisplayID.dbc, these are the scalings I used:
    River Otter (both models): CreatureModelScale = 2
    Wind Eagle: CreatureModelScale = 1.1
    Moose Bull: CreatureModelScale = 0.7
    Primal Dragonfly: CreatureModelScale = 1.5
    Primal Thunderlizard: CreatureModelScale = 0.7
    Fox Wyvern: CreatureModelScale = 1.3
    The Thunderlizard, Tallstrider and Lava Mammoth have some extra customizations with their geosets. You may take a look at them using the model viewer at wow.tools and then flag which ones you like most in the CreatureGeosetData column in the CreatureDisplayID.dbc.

    Sadly, no customizeable companion dragons as they are still beyon my level and I doubt I'll be able to do anything with them anytime soon, if ever.



  25. [SW] Light Saber Model 3.3.5a (Custom Colors)

    Hello again!

    This release includes a very basic lightsaber model with customizable colors (you wont have to edit or assign textures)
    Let me explain: The color on the blade is determined from ParticleColor.dbc, if no colorid is assigned, the blade is red.
    (i've included a .csv to add some of my personal custom colors, they're not perfect, but they work, theres a total of 17 pre-made color patterns)

    -Drop the "saber" folder into your item/objectcomponents/weapon folder
    -Apply the .csv to your ParticleColor.dbc and add it to the DBFilesClient Folder
    -Add new entries in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc, make sure you add the new particle color ids for each entry, refer to the model as "saber/saber.m2" etc. they do not need texture assignments, they are all hardcoded
    -Add new items via Item_Template, make sure you use the same display ids that you created in the previous step
    -Restart your server, and test the new items!

    Custom Colors:
    If youd like to create your own colors for the blade, youll need to learn how to convert hex colors to a decimal value, color codes here are written as 0xAARRGGBB values that are encoded. Online Converter will help you make new colors, when you enter a color code, scroll to the bottom and get the " INT32 - Big Endian (ABCD) " value it produces, that will be your encoded color code.
    Keep in mind, there are two particle emitters on the blade, one at the hilt and one at the tip, the hilt portion uses the Start/Mid/End [1] columns, and the tip goes by the StartMidEnd [2] Columns

    Particle Emitter changes:
    If you'd like to change the size, rate or type of particles on the blade you can do this via hex editing as well, simply open the .m2 in 010 or another hex editor with template support, navigate to the Particle section near the bottom. Heres a brief explanation of things you can change;
    -Lifespan will control how long the particle is active
    -"Emissionrate" is the speed in which particles are produced
    -"emissionspeed" is the rate by which particles travel in space
    -Colortrack and Alphatrack can be used to adjust the default color and transparency of the particles
    -scaletrack is used to define the size of each particle

    Hope you guys like these! Use however you wish!

    This model was taken from Sketchfab for free, and applied and converted using Wow Blender Studio (blender 3.1.2), some changes in Pymodeleditor, and of course hex editing via 010



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