About This File
Welcome to World of Warcraft Improved Models mod. Azeroth new reborn state, which adds a new view and more enjoyable gameplay with the update models version of the game. My point was to update the game as much as I could with the new models introduced in the latest game expansions and replace those old crusty models of the past without ruining the feel of old classic wow.
So here we are after a long journey that finally ends. I enjoy it, that trip to newly modding ground as WoW offers. I want to thanks to many modders from the modelling community that help me to overpass many weird things as also to learn many new things in the area of wow modding. Also want to thank in advance Koward for his awesome work in his tool. Many thanks to Nanoxo,Mumblz, Finsternis for their additions in the texture area as also Exonis for some model fix additions to the BETA and Magnifican for the last final tests and suggestions.
That's all, enjoy Azeroth to its new look and feel!
Zerocool, out!
Video tutorial and quick view by Frostadamus:
Edited by Zerocool
What's New in Version 1.3 See changelog
No changelog available for this version.