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Dreadwing and Ravenlord mounts for 3.3.5a with extra colors 1.0.0

3 Screenshots

About This File

Dreadwings and Ravenlords retroported for 3.3.5a
This includes:

Dreadwings (mounts with fire and particles rising into the air)
- Corrupted Dreadwing (green fel)
- Orange Dreadwing (sun orange)
- Purple Deadwing (void purple)
- Yellow Dreadwing (yellow holy)
These models have Hardcoded textures.

Ravenlords (I changed the ravenlord model to accept textures from the CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, first texture is for the body, second texture is for the wings and third texture is for the saddle)
- Regular blue ravenlord (the one from the Blizzshop)
- Purple
- Green
- Orange
- Brown
- Yellow

It also contains spare models for npc mobs for some of the colors.

EDIT: for better use, set a 0.4 model scale in CreatureDisplatInfo.dbc

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