14 files
Isdir Stromgarde keep (OLD)
By Isdir
I do not recommend using it because it was not completely finished, and I later abandoned many of the ideas that were implemented here.
Here is the finished version of this Stromgarde:
[MAP] Thal'Dranath Early Preview
By Zarkeven
Here is a map i've been working on for the past 6+ months, it is an island scrapped in legion called "Thal'dranath". It was on the Broken Isles map for the first few builds of the legion alpha until it was removed, and was never seen again.
The map is now on Github! It will keep more up to date on there than on mcnet.
I need zone name suggestions! Please either comment some or DM me on discord some!
Cata+ Tilesets
Cata+ m2s and WMOs (WMOs are previously released by me)
(if you have any links for these, please let me know)
Map Size:9x8 ADTs
This map is still in active development, and things will change, but you have my full permission to use or edit it however you like.
If you have any suggestions, please either send it to me on discord (Zarkeven#0001) or send a comment here.
Azshara Crater Reforged (WIP)
By Nupper
Working on a Small project to restore Azshara crater to it's intended use before it was scrapped. I am still fairly new to Texturing in Noggit so please bare with me and Feedback is always welcome.
Version 1.2.0 Changes
Restored Ruined Temple behind Dragon Statue area Replaced Night elf Wall with an Orc Wall for Horde Area Raised Water Level in Orc Level to give a vibe. Added Instance Portal Tunnel in Horde Area Opened up Closed off Tunnels in Horde Area Added Temple Ruins in Night elf Area. Fixed Water Glitches in Dragon Statue Area Retextures some areas in Horde area. To do
Finish working on Night elf Area. Finish Texturing some areas. Alter Central area Add Banners to Instance Entrances. Add Instance Entrances to Azshara (Kalimdor)
World of Warcraft WotLK Noggit WoW model viewer.98 downloads
Lonforte | Horde & Alliance | Custom Capital City! ♥
By Earthon
New custom Capital City:
Hey Friends, today I would like to release my Map "Lonforte". It was built by me for my Server "Astoria".
However, we decided to not use it and instead of letting it die in my Hard Drive, I decided to release it for you all!
You are free to edit/change everything at the Map you want. You are allowed to use the Map for your Server/Project.
You don't need to give credits, however its appreciated! - You are not allowed to sell the Map or any of the Parts of it!
The Map has 3 main "Areas":
War Craters - The Mid of the Map, where we planned Open World PvP between the Horde and Alliance.
Lonforte: Disctrict of War - The Horde Capital City of the Map.
Lonforte: Disctrict of Glory - The Alliance Capital City of the Map
You need a Patch with all Draenor Objects/Textures. You can download "Zarkeven" ones.
Download here:
Be sure to place that into your WoW Data Folder (or your Noggit Workspace)
Hope you Enjoy it! ❤️
Showcase of the Map:
Plaguewood map
By Alrineer
Hey guys,
I worked on this mini project on and off for a few months but I've just been too busy for any sort of wow modding at the moment and I would hate to see this project go unfinished so I'm handing out to anyone who wants to use it and finish it.
Credits for textures and models go to Stoneharry as they were used from the open-sourced Lights Dawn project a while back, but the map itself is my own creation
Gillijim's Isle and Island of Dr Lapidis
By Nicolas
Editing version Noggit 3.1222
Il est possible de convertir ses deux îles sur une map custom avec les m2 wmo et le terrain j'ai déja tester aucun crash et cela marche parfaitement
3 new maps by scenegaming
By Aramiel
Contains 3 new maps made within the last month for my project but I'm still unhappy of the result and I would like to share it with the community but maybe somebody will get use of them. Notice that may contain cataclysm water in these files too.
Custom map Jungle Themed.
By Poisonleaf
Today I'm releasing my custom map that was created for the contest I hosted on my stream.
Apart from the fact that this map has won the contest do take note that this is highly unfinished and will need work & love.
The map contains the library of objects used and a small zone that shows my input on how I would see the zone finished.
This map is free to use for what-ever purpose & is a great way to get into noggit.
To fully be able to use the map files you will need to also download two of my other patches.
Hopefully one day someone will finish this into a nice zone.
Happy Modding!
Cata/Mop maps for 335
By Ohai
uploaded modcraft files [ATBOX][RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 Maps-WMOs-Doodads Content for 3.3.5a -9GBytes by PhilipTNG
original thread and all details here -
Would be cool if people updated his Azeroth maps and fixed remaining bugs like;
- fatigue bar on players in new zones
- updated stormwind, maybe some other places that look better after cata
- improve water in noggit(and remember if u open it in noggit disable water effects)
- * nothing else comes to mind atm, but if anyone thinks of something leave a reply and i'll update
Mievak's Ravaged World Map
By Bardh
More information on the map like pics or other things can be found here:
So I decided to release this map so the other could use it for whatever purposes, if anyone decides to distribute or publish maybe another version of it please give the credits to the author.
Ports(trinity): .go xyz 13914.4 13006.4 15.5053 806
Darkmoon Faire Island (Blank Map)
By megamoocow
I have taken fresh ADT's and injected the Heightmaps from Cataclysm Darkmoon Faire Island and created a generic island template. This comes with no models and works in WoTLK 335a stock and Noggit. I have also included allwater.exe and the batch file encase you want to modify ocean type and levels for any of your maps.
I will be adding more of these (I hope) as time permits.
Classic Azeroth in Cata+
By Ghaster
Cata used for a short while the classic Azeroth instead of the new one.
This Link allows you to directly download the classic Azeroth, converted by Blizzard from their servers.
You need to open the MPQ and extract the content yourself.
Hillsbrad Foothills example map
By Axel
I made this as an addition to the alphamap which I released, It took me about 1-2 hours to make and should be an example for those who wish to use my Hillsbrad Foothills alphamaps
Feel free to use it for whatever you like.
Egyptian Stormwind
By Oldarorn
I found it too in my old computer (we find a lot of things in my computers !)
I don't really know who wants to use it but it's here, if you are taken by a mystic Egyptian passion !
Creator : Dunno, this patch is really old.
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