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[MAP] Thal'Dranath Early Preview 0.6

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About This File

Here is a map i've been working on for the past 6+ months, it is an island scrapped in legion called "Thal'dranath". It was on the Broken Isles map for the first few builds of the legion alpha until it was removed, and was never seen again. 

The map is now on Github! It will keep more up to date on there than on mcnet.

I need zone name suggestions! Please either comment some or DM me on discord some!



Cata+ Tilesets 

Cata+ m2s and WMOs (WMOs are previously released by me)

(if you have any links for these, please let me know)


Map Size:9x8 ADTs


This map is still in active development, and things will change, but you have my full permission to use or edit it however you like. 

If you have any suggestions, please either send it to me on discord (Zarkeven#0001) or send a comment here. 

What's New in Version 0.6





  • No longer called "Thal'Dranath", however the working name will be "tdtest" until I can think of a new name. 

NOTE: I am changing the name because the map has strayed so far away from the original blizzard concept of Thal'Dranath that I no longer feel like it is a worthy imagining of this area as blizzard would make it, but my own original work.


NOTE: Map will likely undergo a huge change next update. Most changes in this changelog will likely still be in the new map.

Pike's Peaks

  • Zone actually has texture now
  • Added new Point of Interest (Waycrest Manor WMO, don't know what to call it yet)
  • General Polishing

Zone with Alliance Hub (Blackburn)

  • Added mountain range to southeast side of the zone
  • Removed most navigation paths on southeast side of the zone
  • Refined lumber mill area just outside blackburn
  • General polishing

Ashvane Bluffs

  • Moved Horde ships to the Zugrud's Landing
  • added mechagon-like area on the northern tip of the zone.
  • General Polishing

Suramar-like Zone

  • Zone transitions should be a bit more seamless
  • New lake in the middle of the zone
  • Mountains are slightly more polished than before

NOTE: This zone is getting nearer and nearer to the stages of completion. As it does, I will need a LOT of feedback to steer the zone in the right direction. 

Aszuna-like Zone

  • Removed Vrykul Temple Point of Interest
  • Zone transitions should be slightly more seamless
  • Valindra's Vineyard has a spider problem
  • General Polishing




  • I need zone names and a new continent name! Please give suggestions in the comments.
  • Everything in the map is still work in progress, so give feedback on everything!


I will not be including source models or WDT in this version, unfortunately, because of an issue I'm having with the parser and i just simply forgot to put the WDT in.

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