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New characters begin in a guild based on class (TC 3.3.5a)

By Scytheria23
in Serverside

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I'm trying to get newly-made characters to automatically begin in a guild based on their class.  I'm using the latest TrinityCore (lots of mods) for 3.3.5a.

I've set things up so that a database rebuild always contains a 'background' premade account containing premade Guild Master characters for each required guild (#1 to #8 - I only have 8 classes in my 'thing').  So, the needed guilds always exist and always contain Guild Masters.  I've got that far at least.

The idea is, if you roll a Paladin (for example) which is class 2, your new character automatically becomes a rank 0 (initiate) member of guild #2.  Not that this matters, but I've deactivated the guild-related commands that players can normally use, so a player can never leave the guild he/she starts in.  This works fine.

My issue is with the coding for the automatic part, which I just can't figure out.  I know a lot of devs have made auto-guild adjustments, but for the life of me I can't find any code to look at or botch.  I'm guessing the bulk of the changes would need to be made to player.cpp.  Does anyone have a quick solution or can copy/paste something that does the trick (even if not quite the same way I intend to do it).  Please don't link to anything, as my access to websites is limited (China's Great Firewall sucks).  With that, I can botch things with a bit of experimentation - I'm not a great coder by any means, but can usually figure things out from working examples.

Thanks in advance if you can help!


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