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MoP 5.4 arena maps to TBC 2.4.3

By Schaka
in General

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Hey guys,

I am completely new to WoW modding. Although I have made some modifications to the client before in the form of AddOns and some  server side changes, I've never actually touched maps or models. 
Especially not for TBC, because back when I tried the client would always crash (unless you used WoWMe, maybe). Now I also have some experience in memory editing and developing bots for WoW. I've also patched small things into the client (granted, I suck at reverse engineering). So I'm sure I can eventually learn this. 

But I don't want to spend an enormous amount of time on something that would only be of small benefit, especially if this is something that hasn't really been done before. 
What I want to do is a client side patch that extracts 5.4 arena maps and makes them playable on the 2.4.3 client (preferably without WoWMe). 

However since my vision is of a custom TBC arena server, I would also need to be able to extract the maps server side, including movement maps for pet movement. 
Is this something that you guys consider possible for someone without much modding knowledge?

Regardless of your answer, I'd be curious about the timespan you guys think it would take me.
Because if this would likely take me several weeks or even months, it's currently not worth it over the amount of spells in my backlog that still need modifying.

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