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[SOLVED]How set particles to specific bone ?

By Meta
in Modeling

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Hi, before asking this I've tried differents things with the help of the pxr but I can't find the right chunk to set the bones that I want to my particles.

For this model, I have a simple fire effect from the booksonfire.m2 , I used the ParticlesCloner tool, now the fire works ingame, but it's on the bone number 0 (between the feet) and I want to move it to the head (bone 25).

In the particles chunk, the effect is divided in 3 parts because it uses 3 textures, in the bone informations I have 1, 2 & 3. So I assume it's not the setting who manages the bone of the skeleton.


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this does no matter, particle emitter has never change the coords when you try to bind it to bones.

For example if you bind your emitter to animated bone, emitter automatically get all the rotations\translations\scaling from "mother"(binded) bone. (but keeps own internal XYZ)

you should find and change the coords(XYZ) inside the emitter (can be called "pivot" or "position")

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@Wungasaurus : After some tries, when I change the values the fire moves forward or backward.

@Vellear : the only coords I've found in this section are these

I'll try to change that and see what happens.

EDIT: thanks, it's exactly what I needed, I just have to change the Z to move it where I want. And it seems that the bone numbers are exactly like you said @wungasaurus . I've not searched enough, my bad.

Well, since I know how it works, I'll write a little guide with a simple model :)

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