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Help! I have no clue what I am doing!?

By WithinAmnesia
in Modeling

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Okay well can this be a thread for people like myself who have no damn clue what is going on but want to create cool things with WoW but need some kind of additional modding guidance?

Okay so I will start off with a video of myself asking for guidance in how to create a second level of Tinkertown with a gnomeregan elevator.


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The key thing in understanding of how to do stuff is figuring out how wow handles its files. You need to go step by step by reading tutorials and trying them out even if you don't really want to make for example custom maps. Before doing any modding, I strongly recommend to complete at least beginner's guides here. 

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The key thing in understanding of how to do stuff is figuring out how wow handles its files. You need to go step by step by reading tutorials and trying them out even if you don't really want to make for example custom maps. Before doing any modding, I strongly recommend to complete at least beginner's guides here. 

Okay, so where should I start? I keep getting confused at people say X Y and Z tutorial are outdated and such and are no good anymore for X and Y tools which you should be using. (Just throw some good links my way and I will check them out Skarn:-P)

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I started learning some basics about WoW Modding I think four years ago and I can safely say, that even after that longer while I'm still pretty nooby, but of course it depends on your skills, your will to learn things and so on. Just try to not give up and you will surely get better and better, however it is going to take a lot of your time. :)

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I fixed it. They were pointing to our old domain, hence not working. I plan to rework some parts of the tutorials in a few days. There are some missing/wrong information in them. But nothing wrong to prevent one from learning now. All the tech information is correct.

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