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Need Help on C++ "Need a Developer"

By Intension
in Serverside

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Namely, in my source the Player.cpp broken.
He tells me the following error:
../game/libgame.a(Channel.cpp.o): In function `Channel::Say(unsigned long, char const*, unsigned int)':
Channel.cpp:(.text+0x4be5): undefined reference to `Player::BuildPlayerChat(WorldPacket, unsigned char, std::string const&, unsigned int, char const, std::string const&) const'
Unfortunately I can not clear the error itself and wanted to ask if they could access than, for example via TeamViewer on my PC to watch what's going on. The advantage via TeamViewer's just that they directly see the difinitionen.
If they fix my mistakes, I would also be prepared in the form of a small thank you $ 5 / € admit :).

If you contact me, please Skype "Intension_Black"
P.S. I would be very grateful

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