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M2 to MDX (JM2Converter not working after BFA 8.1)

By Fasolace
in General

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Hello.  I'm using the JM2Converter by Koward to convert .m2 files to make them convertable into Warcraft III .mdx using Mdlvis.

After BFA was patched to 8.1 the program is no longer able to convert the .m2 files and throws an exception. I have attached an image showing the exception.

I would be very grateful if someone can help me out to fix this problem, or point me to an alternate tool that is able to convert .m2 files to a format that is convertable to .mdx.



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  • 3 weeks later...

this is command line tool, not drag and drop use. Just enter cmd, change path to locatoin where jm2converer is placed, and type: java -jar jm2converer.jar -in <model_name_to_be_converted.m2> -out <output_model_name.m2> -cl, after that your output model will be in vanilla version, so you can open it in mdlvis and save to mdx.

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  • 4 years later...
On 2019/2/16 at PM2点56分, Stan84 said:

这是命令行工具,不能拖放使用。只需输入cmd,将路径更改为放置jm2converer的位置,然后输入:java -jar jm2converer.jar -in <model_name_to_be_converted.m2> -out <output_model_name.m2> -cl,之后您的输出模型将是vanilla版本,所以你可以在 mdlvis 中打开它并保存到 mdx。


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