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same .adt files for different maps

By bizzlesnaff
in Level Design

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Hey there,

I've tried to create a complete new continent with noggit. A part of this continent (lets say 4 .adts) I'd like to use for a dungeon/raid. Is there any way to just copy this 4 files and rename it? I dont like to rebuild every detail because that wouldnt be "exactly the same map".

When I just took the adt and rename it noggit and the game instantly crash while entering the map.

I hope any1 have a smart solution for me :)

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If you want another map with parts of another map on there, I'd suggest using Riu's Zone Masher. If you don't know how to do this, you basically get all of the blank ADT's of the new map as well as the ADT's of the parts of the other map you want to use in this one. Then open the program, then add the blank ADT's from the new map, then add the ADT's that you want to copy over, then move those ADT's over the blank ADT's and click the merge button. That should work, and if you need any more help, just message me. :) 


(Just in case the description i gave was a bit vague, here is an image showing what i mean. The blue tiles are the new blank ADT's and the red tiles are the ADT's that I'm copying over:


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