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Solution For Crashing Software (caused by Windows Update)

By Skarn
in General

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Hello, Model Changing community. Since a few weeks ago many people started experiencing weird problems with most cmd-based software that is used in WoW modding. The issue only appears for Windows 10 users who updated their systems up to KB3116908 update. The cause of the problem is cygwin1.dll located in the folder along with the tool. It is outdated and is no longer relevant to new Windows standarts, so please download it from here and replace. I will replace the DLLs in WoWDevKit soon.

For people encountering this bug in the future: If one of your tools creates multiple processes on launch until your PC freezes and goes out of memory, try doing what I said here.

Big thanks to Cromon and everyone else who helped out figuring out this issue. Big shame on Microsoft Support for sending me to check my system for viruses and doing System File Scan. Happy modding, everyone.

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Awww yeah... that freaky moment when 2.000 or more .adt-adder.batches are open and gone higher and you try in slowmotion a cmd-task-kill, just to figure out, that it dont work and it crash your user.registry... :-D <3 Good Job KGB-Head! xD 

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Awww yeah... that freaky moment when 2.000 or more .adt-adder.batches are open and gone higher and you try in slowmotion a cmd-task-kill, just to figure out, that it dont work and it crash your user.registry... :-D <3 Good Job KGB-Head! xD 

Say thanks to Cromon and other people. I was just the one who started bitching about the problem here and there.

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Suggestion --> dont use anything that has windows in name along with number higher then 7

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  • 4 months later...

This is boss, thank you so much. How the hell do you even figure this out? "Oh yeah, it`s probably a dll because of  KB3116908 updat, that makes sense." haha.

Btw; If you`re unsure which dll to download, the one I`ve attached here worked for me. 1007.22.0.0 win32 2.97mb


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