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3D Armors

By Darkkang
in Modeling

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Greetings. I've tried to introduce some 3D collections armors and buckles (belts 3d) to Cataclysm 4.3.4 but i'm having to deal with some problems. 
I've followed the tutorial which explains how to make the Buckles through spells, but they are still not appearing. I've edited the following lines: 


"200000","256","268435456","0","0","1","0","0","0","0","0","0","1","21","0","1","0","200000","0","1","0","Tratado Paladin","","Creates a Floating Skull on the creature's Chest.","","1","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0"




22000,"Tratado Paladin","Item\ObjectComponents\Waist\Buckle_Plate_PVPPaladin_E_01.mdx",1.0,1.0,0.00999999977648,100.0,0,1.0,













Model character Attachments:


I also attached the buckle model. I tried with quivers and more things and nothing.

In case that this doesn't work, I'm trying another method in which I try to open in Blender a tier's shoulder aiming to import the Collections or the Buckle.
Once I've imported both, I select them and I join both mesh in just one, I can export but when I convert it to M2 it again gives me an error.
I think it is because it create two ".skin" and there should be just one. How do I fix this?

If I manage to fix it, I can share these models with  you all.


I want fix the new helmet too. Now the helmets appears with hairs.


I wait your help. Thanks :)







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Be sure to have the spell on item to be castable when equiped.

also don't forget to use

Other than that i don't see from where it comes unless the m2 is not properly converted.

try to cast the spell on you and see what happen.

for helmet.

You have to find Geo-set for Helmet Generally using WMV or trying different value from an existent helmet in your dbc.

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Hi, I used that tool but I don't know if I did it correctly. The problem isn't the texture, the model isn't appear directly.

I parsed the model with the model converter 3.1 to Wotlk and then i used a Wotlk to Cataclysm script

Casting the spell still doesn't appear: /
Thanks, I'll try the helmets.

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22 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

The collections I've tried different Attachments and they come out above. How do I fix them?


First you must know how attachment points work. When you attach a model to another, it's origin axis will be where the attachment point is.
You have to separate each part of the "collection" individually with Blender and move it to the origin axis. Then, create many new attachment points in your character and attach each piece to its corresponding attachment.

Also, attachments can only be bound to 1 bone. So it's not possible to reproduce the legion collection system perfectly. Boots and gloves will probably look weird and disjointed.


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17 minutes ago, Inico said:

First you must know how attachment points work. When you attach a model to another, it's origin axis will be where the attachment point is.
You have to separate each part of the "collection" individually with Blender and move it to the origin axis. Then, create many new attachment points in your character and attach each piece to its corresponding attachment.

Also, attachments can only be bound to 1 bone. So it's not possible to reproduce the legion collection system perfectly. Boots and gloves will probably look weird and disjointed.

What happens if you merge the buckle mesh and collections in blender?

I tried adding the Collection to the Attachment Ground (19) although without animation and then I changed its position. Perhaps if you move in blender to the correct position it is fixed. No?

Maybe some attachment that is not used.. I don't understand why it works in Legion as a one object.



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13 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

Perhaps if you move in blender to the correct position it is fixed. No?

No. You must separate each part of the collection into its own M2.

13 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

I don't understand why it works in Legion as a one object.

In legion a model can be attached to multiple bones. That is NOT the case in wotlk. It's 1 bone per attachment. The collections system can't be reproduced in wotlk. However it can be emulated if you break the collection model into multiple pieces, each one into its own attachment.

13 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

What happens if you merge the buckle mesh and collections in blender?

Nothing. You will have the same problem.

13 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

I tried adding the Collection to the Attachment Ground (19) although without animation and then I changed its position.

In WOTLK, attachments will follow the animation of the bone they are attached to. And they can only be attached to 1 bone.
In Legion, however, if an attachment has some flags in its bones and has the same ammount of bones as the model it is attached to, it will follow its animations. That's how the collections system works.

In legion you can attach a model to multiple bones at the same time. In wotlk, you can only attach models to 1 bone (unless they are a "vehicle", as it happens with Kologarl Arms).


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Okay thanks. I'll try to separate each part to see if I fix it and I'll give you the advances.

Now I only have two problems:

- The helmet keeps showing the hair.
- And the quivers or collections continue without textures. I 've tried using "Buckle Texture Hardcoder" changing in the bat "quiver_" by the corresponding name. But it doesn't work, the textures continue without "hardcode". I've tried adding them manually and nothing.


I wait your help. Thanks for everything :)

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31 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

- The helmet keeps showing the hair.

That's controlled in itemdisplayinfo.dbc (helmetGeosetVis).

32 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

I 've tried using "Buckle Texture Hardcoder"

As the description says, that script only works for belts. You will have to do it manually with 010editor or with PymodelEditor (just edit the texture name).


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35 minutes ago, Inico said:

That's controlled in itemdisplayinfo.dbc (helmetGeosetVis).

As the description says, that script only works for belts. You will have to do it manually with 010editor or with PymodelEditor (just edit the texture name).

Thanks for everything :)

Helmets fixed and i've modified the scripts for belt for quivers and collections, i'm trying now.

I've tried to separate a 3D boot from Colections add to the attachment of the foot or leg. But this appears rotated. It'll be difficult to add full 3D armor :/ and the Demonhunter works just like the 3D armor xD.

5 minutes ago, MR.Farrarie said:

As I said above. I've already solved. The problem was SpellEffect.dbc, in the tutorial it doesn't appear.


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On 7/11/2017 at 2:15 PM, Darkkang said:

I need understand how rotate and translate m2 with 010 editor

You should use Blender for that. Just toggle edit mode, press R to rotate, G to move or S to scale.
If you don't have experience, rotating/scaling/translating stuff in 010editor or pymodeleditor is a nightmare.


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All models attached to character are attached to certain point on character model. For example held items (weapons and such) are placed with their origin (pivot point, whatever you want to call it) into the middle of closed hand. You need to figure out where to place models in 3d so they are correctly placed on character model.

Important bottom line: change scale, rotations and translation of model in 3d. No, you can't do really (feasibly) this with finished M2 model in 010.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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On 15/11/2017 at 6:15 AM, Inico said:

You should use Blender for that. Just toggle edit mode, press R to rotate, G to move or S to scale.
If you don't have experience, rotating/scaling/translating stuff in 010editor or pymodeleditor is a nightmare.

Hi. I was rotate the pistols 1h but it's not appear rotated in the game.

I used the G and R on object mode from blender but it's don't work.


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14 minutes ago, Darkkang said:

Hi. I was rotate the pistols 1h but it's not appear rotated in the game.

I used the G and R on object mode from blender but it's don't work.


You must do it in Edit Mode, otherwise it will return to its default position once exported.
If you rotate/move/scale stuff in object mode, you must apply those transformations by going to "object-> apply-> Location/Rotation/Scale".


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20 hours ago, Inico said:

You must do it in Edit Mode, otherwise it will return to its default position once exported.
If you rotate/move/scale stuff in object mode, you must apply those transformations by going to "object-> apply-> Location/Rotation/Scale".


20 hours ago, Roccus said:

go in edit mode to rotate tabulation key, or else it won't work

On edit mode i've error to export, but i used  "object-> apply-> Location/Rotation/Scale". and it's work :)


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On 19/11/2017 at 5:08 PM, Inico said:

You must do it in Edit Mode, otherwise it will return to its default position once exported.
If you rotate/move/scale stuff in object mode, you must apply those transformations by going to "object-> apply-> Location/Rotation/Scale".

Hi again. Sorry for persist. It's other problem different with blender.

I was try add new mesh to bloodelf female model, two fangs from FelElf for make San'layn model. I added the mesh, scale, apply location, rotation and scale and after i join the new mesh to face mesh, but it's don't appear in the game. The model appear same before.


I want fusionate objects for i can put mesh from others models on the future and it's can help to more people.

Thanks again :)

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6 hours ago, Inico said:

Read this, it's similar in WotLK:

TLDR: you must bind the mesh to the other model's armature.

I follow the steps, but it's appear with bad position or don't appear. I tryed on edit mode and apply rotation, translation y scale.

I tryed too change submesh from 00.skin and edit the name of different mesh on blender, but not happen nothing.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/11/2017 at 7:02 PM, Darkkang said:

but it's appear with bad position

Then you are binding it to the incorrect bone.

On 21/11/2017 at 7:02 PM, Darkkang said:

or don't appear

Then they aren't bound to any bone.
Or it has an incorrect submesh id (for example, they may be tagged as "boots", so they won't appear unless you equip your boots).
Or it's not part of your model's armature, so it's not exported to the same file as your model.
Or it's part of a material with transparency and it's unwrapped into a fully transparent area (like hair or eyeglows).


On edit mode i've error to export

You are doing something wrong (probably not binding the mesh to any bone) or the m2mod version you are using is old. Try with a newer version.


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