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Tree M2 Error

By World
in Modeling

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Hi guys ! Immediately sorry for my English. I have a problem . I created an OBJ tree model and converted it into M2. The model appeared in the game, but instead of leaves, I see the polygons. Could you help me ?




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1 hour ago, Inico said:

Just open the model with pymodeleditor or 010editor and set the renderflag to transparent. If it looks too rough, try with blend + not z buffered.

alpha testing renderflag in m2 and in skin01 order 16 in the mesh that you wanted to use that texture

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1 hour ago, World said:

I am very grateful for the help. But I'm new. And I do not understand English well. I would have been much easier to understand visually :)

you need to use the m2 template then go to render flags then change the renderflag for that part to alphatesting

if you dont know the part just edit them all

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4 hours ago, World said:

Can I throw off a screen shot - guide? :D

You can't edit anything with 010editor itself. You need the m2 template. Once you opened the model and loaded the template, change the renderflag blendingmode to "AlphaTesting 1" (it means "transparent").



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