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Model Changing Network needs your help!

By Skarn
in Announcements

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e1jAcp7.thumb.png.48f3fc1692c109284817c4Greetings, dear Model Changing Network users! It has been about two years since MCNet community is around. Through this time the website has grown into a pretty good place for WoW modders to stay. However, there is still a huge room for improvement. At the moment, I cannot really invest much time into maintaining the community and developing it further, neither do the rest of the people in the team. That is why I have to request the help from the community.

I am looking for responsible people to help me out on various tasks concerning managing this board. I will list down the "positions" and requirements for them.


  • Second administrator.  This position requires some work on restructuring the board, managing permissions, writing FAQs and descriptions for various parts of the site. The requirements for this one are quite demanding as you will get a high-level access to website management such as ACP, nevertheless, this work is not exactly hard to do. In order to accept you for that position, I need to know you personally as a member of the community and trust you. The other requirement is good written English skills. IPS experience is also a huge plus, however, not mandatory.
  • Web developer. There are still a few bugs on the board that need to be fixed. So, if you are aware of IPS and web development, feel free to poke me.
  • Moderator. Our two moderators Axel and Hyakkimaru are not currently doing WoW modding, so we need new people for this position. Your duty will be to clean abusive content such as trolling or spam when you spot it. The requirement is good written English skills.

All the work is, sadly, volunteer. If you want to help the community in any other way, please let me know through PM. 


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My knowledge of web development doesn't go beyond basic html, so I would be glad to assist you with anything that does not involve it (such as moderating, writing things, etc.)

1 hour ago, Skarn said:

Your duty will be to clean abusive content such as trolling or spam when you spot it


Will I be allowed to post my own trolling and spam as a replacement?

or not


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Hi All,

I run several other communities on Invision Power Board already, and have used the software for years so it was natural for me to help out Skarn. Most of you already know me from running the WoWDev Discord. As time permits I will update the board software, fix some of the bugs, and most likely update the theme as well. (Mainly because, updating the board software will require re-doing the theme).

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