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By Daethas
in Modeling

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Right, so.  As I am typing this out, I've been working on downporting one of the 7.3 t21 DK sets - the blue one, in particular. This is my progress thus far.


I should make clear, I have already tried running the .blp through a BLP 2 PNG converter, re-converted it from png to blp, and it still came up with transparency issues.

PTR Equivalent

Compared to that,  the set's also incredibly blank - particles are something I also need tremendous assistance on. If anyone has any idea how I might be able to acquire those, once more your aid would be LOVED. Thank you!

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try using photoshop with blp plugin and try different kind of BLP setting. Usually it's DXT Compression but sometimes it''s indexed color (256) For Spaulders transparency try using m2 template on the 010 Editor and try tweaking some renderflags and in the skin file of spaulders.

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Hello, Roccus! Thank you kindly for responding.

Unfortunately, I do not have photoshop, nor do I quite feel inclined to pirate it - ironically enough, I can't say I'm largely into pirating. Also, I should have mentioned I'm extremely basic when it comes to downporting models, especially item models - in truth, the level I'm at is attaching the 7.3 meshes to the current-game armatures. Anything out of that, like using 010 Editor or editing "renderflags", is totally beyond my level of comprehension haha. If at all you could help me out as to learning how exactly to fix transparency using 010 Editor and the renderflags, that would be appreciated. Thanks again!

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check amaroth youtube channel when he talk to m2

second thing in photoshop way better because when you edit in 010 you will lose all complete  transparent

so better get photoshop and only duplicate the texture until it lose it transparent


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