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How armor can hide body parts like hair.

By Serifaz
in Modeling

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Hey guys I have a custom bloodelf model.
the model contains new geosets.
Some of these geosets I want to hide others like hands / feet and chest.

Is there a way to do this with hex editing the model / skin files?


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Yes with fiel18 and field18_1 use the flags to hide geosets part, like ears, beard, hear. (for 7.2 definitions of wdbx), field30 field30_1 if i remember correctly for 7.1 definitnions. Try to copy geosets of random helmet to see of those flags work on a hand line on itemdisplayinfo.db2

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ok so I am looking at those fields and I am just confused on what I should pout in the fields to hide hands and chest because I look at other entries and they have numbers like 265,249 and 305.

I have no idea where those numbers come from.

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