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Reassign animation

By Смердокрыл
in Modeling

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As you can see, there is no shooting (gunpowder smoke, etc.) effect. The original model has a BowRelease animation (which is also somehow triggered by the AttackRifle animation - I've no idea how this works), and I tried changing it via 010 Editor to LoadThrown(112), but the desired animation does not happen (even though the name in WMV animation list changed correctly). I would appreciate any help with this issue


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On 30.05.2017 at 2:36 AM, MR.Farrarie said:

I don't know about you but you

but for me pistol animation I use point animation

and the smoke I think is a particule or a shader

I'm using the point animation too, but I'm talking about the animation of the weapon.


As you can see here, the original model (ignore the missing textures) has a BowRelease animation, which causes the trigger to hit and a smokey effect to appear at the end of the barrel. It seems to me that these animations are copied from the animation of the character holding the model, i.e. if you equip the pistol and perform the BowRelease animation, the pistol will too. Surprisingly enough, this also works if you do the AttackRifle animation - perhaps they are linked somehow.

In any case, I used 010 editor to change this animation to EmotePoint:


and it does work in WMV (the animation name in that list changed), but not in game, so when my character does the EmotePoint animation, the pistol does nothing.

or not


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