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[Solved]Helm size on Character model to small.

By Finsternis
in Retro-Porting

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Heyhow, i have a little problem with the newest models wich i downport from legion to wotlk.

Some helmets a bit to small (~1.04-1.08) so that u see head parts threw the helm or its a bit inside ect, the position is perfeckt , i tryed it to edit the position on all ways but all time anything fucked up^^.

I found here one who made this but i dont get it and he was longer not online. But of cause i pn him 2 weeks ago .

But i dont get it work im not sure what i have to do there, wich values i have to fill.


The green values i think i made correct the red i dont know it rly. With this it work in the wow modelviewer but not in game there is the modle invisible :S  Maybe anyone know how to handle this

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ok i get it now, the green marks was all right.

At the end of the m2 file i create 4 new rows filled with "0".

I used the hex value from each row to fill the red lines and tadda it works^^.

And one red makr "unit32 timestamp" just 0

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