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[HELP] Legion > Wotlk - Retro-Porting Weapons

By dves
in Retro-Porting

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So I just started looking into retro porting (which I have no prior experience with). I found some guides and some legion artifact m2, blp and skin files which I'm trying to port to wotlk.

I have some questions about this:

  1. The itemdisplayinfo.dbc's are not the same for legion and wotlk. Is there an easy way to transfer row 6 (icon display) from wotlk dbc to legion dbc? I need to merge data from both dbcs into one.
  2. Row 1 and 2 refers to the model files, but why is the extension .mdx? The legion weapon files I found does not contain any .mdx files, nor did the multiconverter create any .mdx from the legion models. Where are these .mdx files stored, and what are they for?
  3. I did make a successful import, but the model is slightly buged. As you can see in the picture below. Why is that? In which file is this glow effect stored? Is it buged because of wotlk limitations, or is it fixable? (there are no entries in column 24 (for item visual effects) in the legion dbc)

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


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.mdx is just an extension, there are no actual .mdx files (or they are very, very rare). Idk why are .mdx extension to be used instead of .m2 ones (probably some historical reasons), buts its a common practice in all WotLK DBCs and when not followod, stuff may not work. Thats pretty much it.

Green always means texture could not be loaded (which usually means it could not be located). Nothing more, nothing less. All textures used by a model have paths to them written directly in its m2 file. Just open it in any text (prefferably 010) editor and search for .blp paths. You will find all paths to all used texture there. The same applies to WMOs as well.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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In your case as amaroth said since its green seems you have a missing blp file. So for this weapon, but it counts for all, the model has hardcorded textures, which means you correctly use all blp's but miss one. So check the M2 with a hex and see what is the one you missed.

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On 3/13/2017 at 7:32 AM, Uthil said:

In your case as amaroth said since its green seems you have a missing blp file. So for this weapon, but it counts for all, the model has hardcorded textures, which means you correctly use all blp's but miss one. So check the M2 with a hex and see what is the one you missed.

I don't really understand how to do that. Opened the .m2 with 010 editor but have no idea how to make sense of the data.

Could I change the glow effect, or remove it and add some ItemVisualEffect.dbc entries to it instead?

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So inside sword_2h_artifactashbringer_d_01.m2 you have the following blps:

If you want the weapon to have no green squares you're going to want to make sure you have those files as well.

Editing them and removing them is something I'm sure someone else will have a better grasp on. Converting it to use ItemVisualEffect might be more complex than you think.


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