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So how I go about doing this

By Ohai
in Level Design

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I just managed to download Phillip TNGs [ATBOX][RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 Maps from the exciting Baidu-Pandaria quest chain adventure clicking chinese symbols till I find wich one is ok and not cancel and so on..

And seems his maps are working in noggit, but I have some questions for further customization..

My goal was to downport updated old world into noggit edit it there then port it back up to cata or higher. But its more complicated, I want to keep some parts of the 335 maps. My question is whats the easiest way to do that, I know if I just deleted his adts, the 335 maps would appear I guess. But how I go deleting specific parts, lets say i want just the zone around xroads to look like 335, how I find those ADTs. They would be in world/kalimdor/barrens.. but where would I locate specific parts of the barrens?

Next question is, lets say I achieve seeing that mix of 335 and updated world maps in noggit, what would again be the best way to place it all in one patch and port it to Cata? Bcuz deleting adts like I described above, wouldnt actually create a new patch in noggit it would just show the default 335 MPQ data.

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To get any original ADT, simply open all MPQs in Data folder by using Merged Mode option in MPQEditor, then browse world/maps/ directory. To find out which ADTs you need... just go to those locations in Noggit and take a look at ADT tile coordinates. No magic here (and at the same time, no other way here, as long as you don't want to calculate coordinates from server coordinates, which is something I can't advise you to do).

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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Another option to find out the ADTs you need is to use https://newmaps.marlam.in/Kalimdor/18/3/-63.125/92.313. Make sure to change the version from 5.4.7 to the second 7.0.1 option because the technical details aren't available on some map versions.

Click on 'enable technical details', click on somewhere on the map and you should have a prompt in the left box indicating both coordinates and the tile (which is the ADT filename) of the location you clicked on.


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