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Mountspecial have no sound.

By Finsternis
in Retro-Porting

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I have a little problem, i ported down some new models from 7.2 but also have this issue with 7.1 models.

For example the storm dragon, but also the new pala mounts.

The animations are correct set but they make no voice in game.

All other sounds work normal just the mount special not!

Is there a way to fix it in the m2 file? Or just a little dbc edit wich i not see x)?


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Thx that help me , have you maybe an idea wich entry in the creaturesounddata.dbc(wotlk) is for the mountspecial?

There is nothing that calls "mountspecial" also i find no mountspecial sound in the soundentries.dbc(wotlk)

I think here is used just another entry wich have the same sound , like customattack.

And if you know it i dont have to do try and error the whole table xD.


edit1:(btw i dont mean that there exist rly no mountspecial in the soundentries.dbc, but for example for horses not )

Edit2: And i replace just the old mount with same dbc values ofc :<

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column 3 : (Sound Name - Can be anything you want)

column 4 - 13 : (Sound Name & Extension) ex : MON_Horse_Attack_01.ogg

column 24 : Path EX : Sound\\Creature\\Horse


Column 3 : 54 (Player Animation)

Column 16 : SoundEntries ID


column 2 : 358 (For Visual Effect on Summoning)

column 3 : SpellVisualKit ID

column 132 : SpellVisual.dbc ID


Column 2 : 10 (To specify sound creature)

Column 3 > 13 : Sounds
Create new row for each Sound type example (Attack) (Wound) (WoundCritical) (Death) (Stand/MountSpecial)


column 2 (Attack) , 11 (Wound), 14 (WoundCritical) , 15 (Death) , 16 (Stand/MountSpecial)

fill them with the ID of row of SoundEntries.dbc

And Finally,


column 14 : CreatureSoundData ID

this is how you add sound and spawn visual effect for mounts however i've never replaced an old row i always create new one. so i guess you will have to figure out what to check to see if you have a missing sound file.

i hope this helped you.


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Wow thank you, that rly alot :D.

I will try to make my own soundpath and hope it work.

I had a simliar problem with legion emote sounds on charackter downports, where i need to do new entries for the emotes, amaroth gave me this tipp(but still i dont know why they need new entries).

I try a bit around and gave the model different sound kits but no one work at the "mountspecial". ex. chicken,netherray,protodrake.

And i look in the creaturesounddata and filled all horse "0" sounds 3-13  with the attack sound. but still no mountspecial.

The summon and run/walk sound work so i think i dont need to look in the spell.dbc´s




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17 hours ago, Callmephil said:

16 (Stand/MountSpecial)

as i said for mount special sound you have to fill the column 16 in creaturesounddata with the row you created in soundentry.

also i'm not sure but may the legion sounds need to be converted ?

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3 hours ago, Callmephil said:

as i said for mount special sound you have to fill the column 16 in creaturesounddata with the row you created in soundentry.

also i'm not sure but may the legion sounds need to be converted ?

ya i filled all coulums with sound id´s still nothing happens. hmpf

Anyway your dbc relationship overview was really helpfull.


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1 minute ago, Finsternis said:

ya i filled all coulums with sound id´s still nothing happens. hmpf

Anyway your dbc relationship overview was really helpfull.


hopefully you achieve what you wanted. i'm going to work on retro-porting creatures next month once i finish with those items.. keep us in touch !

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Little update i found out that the $FD1 event is the mount special event.

So i try it on all events that exist in the m2 file (with some funny results :D..).

But no one of the existing events is for the mountspecial.

At the moment i have no idea what i could do. Is it possible to make a custom event?

Or i'm maybe complete wrong with the event try?

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Ok, i had this issue with another model too.

The end of the song is, that this one now work after i redownload it, couse it get a new event (ofc the $FD1 :D) in the m2 file, so i stop working on the pala(this file have now just 13 events) and wait a bit :<

But again thx Callmephill

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