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[Item Legion To Wotlk] 3D Belt

By Callmephil
in Retro-Porting

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Hey guys,

So Voila, I've been working for the past few months to retro-port all items from Cataclysm to Legion and i still have one bug left that haunt me the Waist Buckle Visual Effect.

Each Waist has Buckle Visual Effect (An M2 and Multiple BLP : one for each row in ItemDisplayInfo). my current problem is that the Buckle even if the mdx and blp are added in the ItemDisplayInfo are not loaded.. whatever i do it does not load ! :/
I've also tried to add the effect as a spell however this technique is not suitable since there's around 200 Buckle X their color. and require some M2 edit to link the blp.

Note : BeltBucket Socket Attachement is correctly configured on .M2 for all Races

Could it be the client that does not load the .M2 / BLP the way MoP / WOD / Legion does it ? is there any way to edit the way the client read a dbc file ? Does anyone ever found the way to fix it in a blizzlike way ?

Example of a belt Buckle : http://ptr.wowhead.com/item=139197/lifeless-buckled-girdle&bonus=1807#same-model-as


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