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Legion Animation on Vanilla Model in Wotlk

By Gurluas
in Miscellaneous

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I know this might not help, but according to WowModelViewer only BloodElves appear to be broken models, other races seem to be working. So, sadly, you may need to retroport Bloodelves_hd legion model to have those animations...

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On 3/3/2017 at 5:33 PM, infernus55 said:

I know this might not help, but according to WowModelViewer only BloodElves appear to be broken models, other races seem to be working. So, sadly, you may need to retroport Bloodelves_hd legion model to have those animations...

I tested it. Draenei males crash and Draenei females have their eyes missing the glow. The others seem to work, except for one big issue. All their head geosets appear in the neck.


Any idea how to fix it?


EDIT: I may have found a fix, using 010editor you can edit the attachments so they match the original models.

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