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Problem Vrykul HD Legion to Cata/Wotlk

By Darkkang
in Modeling

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Hi, we are trying to get the Vrykul Legion model and use it on Cataclysm. We used BLPConverter 6 to get the .m2i from the .m2 file, importing it on Blender, creating the UV-map, reducing the model triangles below 21845, deleting some geosets and resizing the textures, we used BLPConverter 8 to get the new .m2. So we can see the Vrykul in-game but for some reason the hair is seen in the legs, some parts of the legs are green and hair in the face. When we change the hair in the character selection, the legs change too. We tried everything, resizing and trying other textures but nothing works. How we can fix it? If you can help me, I will share my work, thanks :) 



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Yeah, seems like uvMap went wrong. Had same issue with my character models when i was working with them and before Balsh create them. Also check you blp res size and also what compression it is. Try BLPlister thats far more better when you want to convert blp's.

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