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WMO to Cata or Wotlk

By Darkkang
in Retro-Porting

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¡Hii! I've converted the Legion's WMO with wmo-convert-rebuild_003_distro to Wotlk, but in Cataclysm 4.3.4 gives me WoW Error.

Although the WMO patches from Pandaria for Wotlk work.

I've everything Pandaria parsed, however I am missing some WMO, just a few.
And the WMO of Draenor give me WoW error or disconnect.

What I can do? I think Wotlk's WMOs should work and M2s are well converted, though I'm missing some.

I would be grateful if they would pass me the script or all the WMO from Draenor and Pandaria to Cataclysm and if it wasn't possible, parsed to Wotlk for try.


If you help me, I will be able to share the functional maps and with arranged textures :)

¡Thanks! ^^






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Hello again.
I have tried the WoD WMO's and it gives me WoW error.

I think the Wotlk WMO's work. Does anyone have the WMO of Draenor and Pandaria for Wotlk or does anyone know how to convert them?
The WMO for Wotlk I downloaded worked, but they were not complete. And if I use the wmo-converter-rebuild_003_distro do not work and sometimes disconnects from the account when enter to map.

If you upload a tutorial or share all the WMO for Wotlk, I would greatly appreciate it.

PD: Sorry for my bad english.


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There's huge amount of things which can go wrong here. First of all I'd make really sure that errors aren't actually caused by some M2 in doodad set of that WMO which is giving you crashes. Its hard to try to fix thing, which isn't actually broken on its own :D.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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The m2 are not the problem, without the WMO load perfect, but it is put them WMO and gives WoW error or disconnects me. Maybe some M2 is missing, but they are not the main problem.

But Pandaria for example before gave me more errors and now almost everything works. Some area gives wow error but less than before.

Draenor the same, without WMO operating some zones and others give WoW error.

If Wotlk works, Cata should work smoothly :/


En Pandaria work the WMO and in the dungeons also.



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To the left a WMO of Draenor that does not work https://gyazo.com/f1202bb9ea8beb394b789f2a0b5bce5b

On the right a Pandaria WMO that works. https://gyazo.com/ac99efaf486073ca4d2c947d538039eb

If someone could fix them, I can pass the maps to Cataclysm (They should also be easy to convert to Pandaria or Wotlk)


Down: Pandaria working and Draenor bug missing WMO files.











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Hi, i've try this LK model converter of Adtspartan but disconect when i go to Draenor.

Is it another version? If I'm not mistaken, that program converts from Cata / WoD to LK, but I think I need the opposite.

Directly from WoD the WMOs work from the dungeons, but not from the mainland as it gives WoW error. And from Wotlk it disconnect you.




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Hi. I have fixed the WMO by testing those of Legion! I don'y understand how WoD didn't work.

Now it works for me, however I have other problems like that give WoW errors (memory problem) sometimes without reason, having all m2 converted.

The water doesn't look good either, but in Pandaria if it looks perfectly.

Otherwise, sometimes the map loads me but others I keep loading for some reason. Do you know what it can be?

Can WMOs be M2s or WMOs? There is a black WMO and m2 with errors.


PD: Down Water problem and Draenor fixing. (Missing screenshot of loading screen block)






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