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Full Body Cloak (Solved)

By XodusArt2
in Modeling

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So I'm trying to create a creature model that has a properly flowing cloak, or atleast a cloak that moves with the bones.


I've just uploaded my blend file, considering I'm not sure how to pack this into an M2 and still have all the geometry there, I'm assuming because I didn't name / parent shit properly it doesn't appear in the m2 when converted to M2i.

Anyway, If anyone could look at this, get it working, feel free to keep it for yourself too. I'd very much appreciate any help you can offer.


I understand that It's a bother for me to ask you to do shit like this for free, hopefully my 'work' is good enough to be considered payment, and make it worth your while, I haven't seen any other full body cloak patches anyway.



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31 minutes ago, wungasaurus said:

That's because the "àÍ" is the size of the data, and not just random noise. If the size changed you need to change that chunk size as well.

To what? I've added a whole new geoset, rather large in size, what would I change the chunk to?

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The wiki describes it though? What part of the wiki don't you understand? Without knowing that we can't improve it.

Also, the size shall be equivalent to the MD20 data size.

Also, since you did not edit according to the wiki but the broken way of "just removing", the *FID chunks will be broken and you probably will have to copy them from the original again.

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Where in the wiki does it say how to tell what your M2s data size is? The only help I actually got was from running in circles asking my self questions. 

Why would I do a tut when I don't even know for sure how I fixed it? 16 hours of trial and error.


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The file might be chunked


> uint32_t magic; uint32_t size; char data;

The size of the MD21 chunk shall be equivalent to the file size of the converted file.

A "full tutorial" would probably be 

legion -> wod: remove all chunks but MD21, remove chunk header

wod -> legion: let entire file be contained in a MD21 chunk. Add files removed in legion -> wod conversion.

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32 minutes ago, wungasaurus said:


The file might be chunked


> uint32_t magic; uint32_t size; char data;

The size of the MD21 chunk shall be equivalent to the file size of the converted file.

A "full tutorial" would probably be 

legion -> wod: remove all chunks but MD21, remove chunk header

wod -> legion: let entire file be contained in a MD21 chunk. Add files removed in legion -> wod conversion.

If my file is 12.8mb, what should the chunk be?

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11 hours ago, wungasaurus said:

The MD21 chunk size should be the file size before adding the chunk header (or the file size -8), in bytes. Then copy the original *fid chunks.

I guess what I'm asking is what those numbers look like in hex code.


Just as an example, because I know you're trying to explain it, but for one, I don't even know what  a *fid chunk is, I don't know how you translate 12.8mb to hex code, and I'm lost as hell.

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You should probably start by using a hex editor that has support for editing files with semantics, like 010 editor. There you can just select the size field and enter the file size as number, without converting to hex yourself. 

12.8mb is not the accurate size, you will need the size in bytes.

the *FID chunks are documented on the wiki and follow the MD21 chunk in legion m2s. They contain ids of the .skin, .anim and .phys files for the model.

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