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Unaccessable or corrupted BLP's

By Uthil
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Hey folks, the past days have this problem with the textures of the deathknight T19, both normal and mythic. Seems in every variation will be like 2 pairs at least corrupted , i.e in the purple varation i have both chests F-M chests, in another i have 1 chest and 1 leg lower piece. That thing is putting me behind a bit now so im asking if anyone has them and can share me here or pst me. I tried with both casc explores in case someone was messing around but seems the problem to be on the .BLPs.


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37 minutes ago, Skarn said:

Never use any other BLP software other than BLP plugin for Photoshop. For now it is the only software than handles BLP file format 100% correct with proper mipmaps support and all kinds of files opening.

Thanks for the info Skarn, gonna try that! Thanks all for the infromation you provide.

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I like Blipster too, theres buttons for "Clothing texture" and "Character texture" if also not checked it gets the best format for your image, for example if it does not have alpha it wont try to put it into a format with alpha.

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3 hours ago, Chase said:

I like Blipster too, theres buttons for "Clothing texture" and "Character texture" if also not checked it gets the best format for your image, for example if it does not have alpha it wont try to put it into a format with alpha.

Still wrong mipmaps. Best example is a texture with a lot of alphachannel. For example, tree leaves. After conversion in PS it is visible like in cata+ expansions, after Blipster and other software it looks like crap or more specifically as a swarm of flies in distance.

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Its quite funny when you all try to figure out what is wrong with his BLP but problems is in PNG itself he saved that PNG is some true color 48 bit  I guess and such format is BLP convertor unable to handle just save it as 256 color mode (8bit)
you may lose some extra quality but its going to work and to be honest its not that bad quality after all

i have seen this problem many times and i have even randomly encountred it here in my video



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