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[LF RESOURCES] A "restored Lordaeron" project

By Смердокрыл
in Miscellaneous

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I decided to copy this here (maybe I'll have better luck finding stuff for my project (I still very much appreciate your help, Amaroth))

Im working on a project for my little private server to restore Lordaeron and, later, the rest of the "old alliance" cities like Stromgard, Stratholme, etc. So Im asking if anyone here has any resources which would be useful for such project? Maybe you started doing something similar and then stopped, but have some files left, or you can just share some knowledge about projects like that? I'll be happy to see any kind of help!

P.S. I know Shelldon has done a great job at this, but he sold it to another big server, and Im not too rich at the moment to buy his work) Besides, I wouldnt spend money on such a small server which is not going to, nor is intended to bring me any profit.

or not


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Hey! You can try out things that I do on this video in order to slice the original Lordaeron model in pieces or edit the model. I just have no time for that at the moment. 

Basically this is some video I made in summer to show how to export WMOs from WoW. The only thing that would be different for you is that you would need Machinima Studio to export Lordaeron model. And mass import script to recover the model in your Blender. 

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Just saw your post. Thanks a lot, Skarn! I'm gonna try my best.

A question: can't I export lordaeron model via wmv?

I failed on that. Use Machinima Studio, definitely works. I could also share the model with you, but it is on my old laptop and is a bit problematic to get it out now.


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