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WoD armors position is wrong!

By Uthil
in Retro-Porting

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Hey folks, i've been working on some armor replacements for my project. After turning T12 sets to T1 succefuly i have now step into this :


Lol its like wearing a basket in the head. Seems with WoD they change the position of the helmet, i guess would be the same for shoulders but both would have the same fix if there is one, i hope for it. I checked on the .m2 or .skin files for something that would point me to positioning or similar but didnt find anything. Any thoughts of how i can re-position it ?

Cataclysms armor set worked fine and with their particles :


So any suggetions ?


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The position with the helmet juste "on" your head means that the model you use is from Legion, cause yes, in Legion they changed the attachpoint of the helmets. To change this maybe try to find in the m2 with 010 Editor some attachpoint coord

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3 hours ago, Roccus said:

The position with the helmet juste "on" your head means that the model you use is from Legion, cause yes, in Legion they changed the attachpoint of the helmets. To change this maybe try to find in the m2 with 010 Editor some attachpoint coord

Yes indeed is from legion, dang it, i dont have any old WoD installation to check too. Gonna check it out, thanks by the way.

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OK made checks, no attachments found on m2, used both old m2template and newest m2_603 template.

 m2_603 template


older m2template


Only this shows nAttachments but value is 0. Comparing with a Legion m2 helmet i get same values.

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The helmet is from legion, tho it seems that the models are from WoD probably if that's the occasion. I didn't created them, balsh made from modcraft. So ill have to find those, can anyone extract ITEMS folder from WoD and share it ? I dont have any WoD client backup and its huge to get it. Thanks for the info folks.

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