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Blender Wmo import, all wmos have white block outs

By Banzboyz77
in Modeling

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Hey guys, I am importing wmos and making new ones for a huge project of mine but ran into an issue trying to do it using the scripts right into blender. Each model appears with a white block out, probably used for collision or something. But my question is, I'm editing existing models and selecting areas  object by object, kinda of how Machinima Studio would export wmos in groups based on what texture that surface has. Is there any way to seperate the wmos after you import them, so I can take specific parts of wmos and mash new ones out of parts rather than selecting each vertex or face individually and splicing it myself? If not, can I just edit the obj files I created into working Wmos in Wow using the scripts. Been using Mirror Machine method cause it was simple but having a problem with smooth shading and defined exteriors and interiors would be nice so trying to make the switch but finding the scripts difficult to work with and messy.


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You see those collision material white because you are in texture mode. If you don't want those faces just go to edit mode and in material tab select that collision material then press select all and delete them.
If you want to make wmo's from yours obj you need to set up all of the needed checkboxes and add material properties. I may make some screens of what you need to set and where to find all that stuff if you want. This script is quiet simple if you know what and where you need to setup. But for really smooth shading you will need to make some hacky things. But again they are simple and I can tell you everything later.

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1 hour ago, Supora said:

You see those collision material white because you are in texture mode. If you don't want those faces just go to edit mode and in material tab select that collision material then press select all and delete them.
If you want to make wmo's from yours obj you need to set up all of the needed checkboxes and add material properties. I may make some screens of what you need to set and where to find all that stuff if you want. This script is quiet simple if you know what and where you need to setup. But for really smooth shading you will need to make some hacky things. But again they are simple and I can tell you everything later.

sure thanks. I will probably be focusing on just exporting models and into Wow as I also plan to take my custom Wmos that I made using Obj. format and import them into Wow with vertex shading, smooth shading, and interior and exterior properties. I usually export the models out as obj. in Machinima Studio, splice and build new wmos, and then I join the objects together like geosets so interior and exteriors of buildings move together. Only reason Im specifying is cause I know I will probably need to make new properties to the models like collision and texture assignment since I work with obj and usually let Mirror Machine do all the hard work after that. Theres Skarns tutorial but that seems to focus more on understanding how the scripts work and how to import and export models, doesnt really seems to be about adding new wmos using the script but maybe Im just not getting how to do it with his guide. If you could give it a shot at explaining it for me, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Well, there is no black magic in making new WMOs. I do not recommend you using MirrorMachine as it lacks lots of features. The white stuff btw is collision mesh. It does not appear like that all over all the models. It is usually used for ladders and other places where you need smoother collision or invisible walls. For making a new WMO you basically make a whatever you want scene in Blender and set everything according to the rules of the WMO export. So, materials for every texture (can be down automatically with Material Utils -> Texface to Material), collision, group settings, portals if necessary, maybe some vertex shading. That's basically it. 

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