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Best client to retro-port from.

By Poisonleaf
in Retro-Porting

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I was wondering in order to retro-port some espects of future expansion to Wotlk what client would be best to extract it from.
Is it better to get the ladest WoD or even Legion client and get it from there or
is it better to extract a map that came out in Cata ( and hasn't changed since) from cata.
And what version is always best to get. Last patch version or Alpha
I think I heard someone say retro porting could be done best using alpha clients but I'm not sure.

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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i want to say only that what has come to my attention is that legion models has 1k+ more tris. In case you try to go bellow WotLK you might face problem on tris count. Havent found any free time to spend more for further testing, but comparing 2 models from Legion and a previous version i.e. cata or WoD when i tried to work it in blender i saw huge difference.

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