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Legion to Wotlk Creature DBC Files and Path

By Senix
in Retro-Porting

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Hey guys i have a question..

how to become the pfad of the m2 files from a new creature of legion via DB2 ? I only see numbers in the db files CreatureModelData.db2 and CreatureDisplayInfo... i have the Display ID from wowhead like

but now i need the path from this display id in the patch file...

finsternis only change exists display ids with a new style but i want to make a new creature display id in the dbc files...

i hope anyone can help

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i didn't understand all, but when you are talking about numbers in theses db files, there are FiledataIds

FiledataIds aren't define in a wow file, but directly in the root file (in the casc system)


Parse the root file and you have all the path name for each id

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1 hour ago, Rangorn said:

i didn't understand all, but when you are talking about numbers in theses db files, there are FiledataIds

FiledataIds aren't define in a wow file, but directly in the root file (in the casc system)


Parse the root file and you have all the path name for each id

and how you Parse the root file

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