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Texture Swap.

By Poisonleaf
in Modeling

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Can anyone point me into the direction where I can find a tutorial on how to swap a texture of an object with another (From an exiting object)

Id like to change the texture of Img (1) to the one of Img (2)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.







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Object A - object which is supposed to be changed

Object B - object from which you want to use texture

The easiest way of doing this is simply exporting both A and B textures, open A texture in 2D editor like Photoshop, place B texture on it and see if it fits. Well, most likely it won't, so you will need to cut B texture into multiple parts and place them on old texture in way it will fit and look good. Then just save your new version of A texture, convert it to BLP and place it into your MPQ into correct folder.

This way has one issue. If your object A shares texture with other objects, they will get retextured as well. That may be actually a good thing, but it also may be unpleasant, in some cases. If you want to avoid this, export whole A object's M2, open it in 010 editor and change texture's path there to something custom what doesn't exist (yet). Instead of making a new version of A texture, just save it as your new custom texture and you are again done.


This may get more complicated if you end up having object A which has just so terrible UV map that you want to remake it. In such case, export it to OBJ and edit it as you desire, then port it to M2 and overwrite old file. But you wouldn't ask question like this here in case you could do this, so it wasn't probably really worth mentioning anyway.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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2 minutes ago, Смердокрыл said:

Just import A to blender (using m2i or obj, depending on the model), then open the UV map window and open the texture of B, then map all the vertices as you wish

Ill try and learn both ways but going to start with what Amaroth said because we'll I'm clueless on what i'm doing, just learning along the way ^^

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I figure'd out how to do it with Amaroth his method but when I add a HD texture to the file of the wow texture the lose of quality is huge.
For example below.

The object retexture itself also doesn't look like it should quality wise, even compaired to the blizzard texture.














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