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[Trinity] Problem with new skills (forbidden race/class combination)

By Athris
in Serverside

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I use a Trinity Core 3.3.5a (fresh release) and i create only a single class (class id = 1 warrior). This class has every weapon skill (for example sword, bow, wand, etc.), but if i log in my core create this error message:
Player::_LoadSkills: Player '%s' (%s, Race: %u, Class: %u) has forbidden skill %u for his race/class combination


This message appears when the core load the skill 163 (Wand). Is it possible to add the skills to the class? Do you know where?

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ID: New id in the DBC

SkillLine: Id of the skill line (i also like the name skill family for it) in the SkillLine.dbc

ChrRaces: -1 (Allow for every race)

ChrClasses: 1 (Allow for warrior)

Flags: Check what other weapons skill have, probably 0

RequLvl: 1 (Level requirement)

SkillTierId: Id of the skill tier in the SkillTiers.dbc

SkillCostId: Id of the skill cost in the SkillCostsData.dbc


Sadly it's not as easy as "give class X skill id Y on creation" anymore when using DBC files.

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On 12. 10. 2016 at 7:31 AM, Athris said:

But i dont understand the dbc: https://wowdev.wiki/DB/SkillRaceClassInfo

Where i say: "This skill number 12345 is allow to race -1 and class 1"?

It really is in this DBC though.:

3  - ChrClasses -  iRefMask  - Bitmask to ChrClasses.dbc


Field 1 (when 0-based) is an ID of skill. So, find rows which have wand skill skillID. There may be multiple such rows (however, in this case its just a one row - 144).

Row 144 says that skill 228 is for all races (-1) and for 256+128+16 classes (5, 8 and 9 - priest, mage and warlock) learnable from level 0. The only one thing you need to do is include warriors into mask of classes which can learn this skill. Warrior's class ID is 1. So his value for mas is 2^0=1. So you need to change mask from 400 to 400+1=401. As simple as that. Thats all you need to do.


Note that some skills can have multiple rows in this DBC and some of them can be there to include race/class combinations into list of combinations which can acquire this skill, some can do the opposite - exclude race/class combinations from list of combinations which can acquire this skill, or place some special restrictions to them. 

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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Okay i understand but how do you know the connection between the skill id in log and the skill id in dbc?

Trinity write in log that skill with id 163 is not possible for this race/class combination, but you look for skill id 144. How?

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Nah, have you even opened SkillRaceClassInfor.dbc and took a look at its 144 row :P? Well, if you did, you likely just missed thats there's a 1st when 0-based, 2nd when 1-based field which contains (on that row 144) value 228. Thats an ID of wands skill (at least as far as I know, my Skill* DBCs are edited and translated and stuff like that a lot). Its even written here as well:

1  - SkillLine -  iRefID -  Ref to SkillLine.dbc

SkillLine.dbc contains main definitions of skills, and its IDs are used to identify skills in all other DBCs, DB tables, logs... So don't confuse IDs of skills with IDs of rows in DBC which just reffers to skill IDs. Btw, if that DBC was using IDs of skills as IDs of its rows, it wouldn't be able to contain multiple rows for the same skill.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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