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DB2 Editing

By Asherystrasz
in Miscellaneous

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Hello all. I am pretty novice and have only done minor modding.


I am currently creating a patch for some guildies on a WoD Server and thus trying to create some new morphs. But since CreatureDisplayInfo changed to a .db2 format, it's has been hard for me to find a tool or a method to edit it. 

Why I come to you guys for help. I wondered if either you had a tool to convert the .csv (I tried WoW Parser, but it only let me convert it to .csv not convert it back to .db2 format), or that you had a Hex Editor template so I edit it directly there. 

Anything would really help really.

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I added a new display 999999 Id but when I morph into the id it give me a old id ???

Starting from 60xxx if I remember, your displayIDs are showing a totally different model, I can't explain why but I had this problem too, you can create npcs, they'll have the good model but as a morph, it won't work

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Starting from 60xxx if I remember, your displayIDs are showing a totally different model, I can't explain why but I had this problem too, you can create npcs, they'll have the good model but as a morph, it won't work

thx friend it worked but how I add the textures ?

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