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Custom race: Lenguaje error

By elireth123
in Miscellaneous

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Hi, MC.

I have a problem with my custom races. When I edit the common language in SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc and SkillLineAbility.dbc. stops working languages in all races.

Even if I were to manually place the default parameters in the DBC. They not work again.

Maybe something has changed in the DBC?

I used WDBX and Mydbc, always I have the same result.

The process is simple:

In SkillLineAbility.dbc, I seek the skill 590, then active all races. (590,98,668,65535,0,,, 1,0,0x2,0,0).

In SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc, I seek the skill 98, then active all races. (40,98,65535,1535,0x80,0x0,0,0x0,)

What am I doing wrong?

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