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SOLVED converting legion pyroblast to WOD

By MR.Farrarie
in Retro-Porting

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I tried to convert legion spell pyroblast to WOD

I got this problem

111.thumb.jpg.663cd87c6b37eebe990c7232dcso do you think its possible and if you know how to fix it

plz wright it down here


SOLVED the problem was from struct texture anim in the .m2 now I only need to scale it smaller and it will be good


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The skin file alone is completely meaningless, just as the m2 file alone is. 

I can't guarantee it being the skin file, but vertices extending into infinity is often either a bad offset to vertices or a bad skin file that overflows the actual vertices. Surfaces being obviously broken (as the sphere is) indicate a skin file that gives bad indices into the vertex array that do not match the actual geometry.

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28 minutes ago, wungasaurus said:

Yes, there likely is nothing wrong with the structure of it. The issues I described come from having a non-matching .skin content wise. Only the issue with vertices being wrong would be structural.

so its possible to fix and if its 

can u tell me how

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50 minutes ago, wungasaurus said:

Yes, there likely is nothing wrong with the structure of it. The issues I described come from having a non-matching .skin content wise. Only the issue with vertices being wrong would be structural.

thx for trying to help but the problem was from the .m2 really weird

but need to scale it small xD

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