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A bit in a struggle here.

By Poisonleaf
in Level Design

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So for the past couple of weeks/months I'v been trying to alter Nagrand in a way that I find it fitting it would look like after the Burning legion was defeated. Meaning bring it back to the state of beauty it once was.

Now the texturing and all goes fine. I get to edit all the texture I want, Re add the water or recreate it. That all works fine.
The problem starts when I want to go ahead and start with adding Objects in the form of WMo's or m2's.

Than stuff goes missing that was originally in the map like waterfalls and rocks etc.
There some parts that just have huge lag and i'm unable to move, Not even trying to work there.
There also some original objects that are spawned 20 times ontop of eachother not sure whats the deal with that.
I had it before but than I redo the whole thing with the following tip.

Amaroth gave me the tip on Modcraft to only save once every noggit launch and that's what I'm doing but still these things are occurring.

So now I've been thinking to do this a whole other way.
Ill leave the map how it it with the missing tree's and rocks since it's still in an okay state.

Ill finish Nagrand in noggit pure on texture and water, preparing it for objects.
Ill than patch it and work on it In-game with adding all the objects
(I think i've seen somewhere that you can patch your game and add (any) objects to spawn in-game)

Once that is finished I will go back to noggit and finish it off with the roads and some minor texture work.

Is that something that could work or what do you guys propose?

At this point any help or advice is welcome.

Edited by Poisonleaf

Live streaming World of Warcraft Content creation.
Come hang out! <3

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Always restarting noggit after saving is the first thing you need to do, but it applies only to SDL 1.4. And there is also a seond thing you need to keep doing - saving the whole area you are editing together. Which means that you should always make sure before saving that all ADTs your project is containing were edited and will be saved. Things like "now I will edit and save just western Nagrand, tomorrow just northern part"... and so on should not happen, because those make those duplication (and probably also disappearing) bugs happen, too.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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I'm mostly use 1.4. But I did use 1.22 earlier today because it was less lagging than 1.4 for some reason.

 saving the whole area you are editing together. Which means that you should always make sure before saving that all ADTs your project is containing were edited and will be saved. Things like "now I will edit and save just western Nagrand, tomorrow just northern part"... and so on should not happen

Do you mean i have to edit something at a all parts of nagrand every single time i work on it and save it?

Edited by Poisonleaf

Live streaming World of Warcraft Content creation.
Come hang out! <3

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Always restarting noggit after saving is the first thing you need to do, but it applies only to SDL 1.4. And there is also a seond thing you need to keep doing - saving the whole area you are editing together. Which means that you should always make sure before saving that all ADTs your project is containing were edited and will be saved. Things like "now I will edit and save just western Nagrand, tomorrow just northern part"... and so on should not happen, because those make those duplication (and probably also disappearing) bugs happen, too.

I don't understand, so I have to edit something at all the ADT's inside my project before each save?

Live streaming World of Warcraft Content creation.
Come hang out! <3

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Lets say you want to edit Howling Fjord in Northrend.:



So, you open Northrend map, go to Howling Fjord and then you should mark all ADTs you will want to work on as edited by doing whatever in them. You can just click with flatten tool somewhere, or move some object a little bit to do so. When you are done, when all ADTs you will want to mod are edited, you can save. By that way you will mark area you will want to work on. So your Northrend will look somehow like this lets say:


And now, EVERYTIME you are working on ANY of these ADTs, you should mark ALL ADTs as edited. So ALWAYS before you save, your Northrend map will look like this.:


Do not save your map if all "orange" ADTs are not white-bordered. And always restart Noggit after saving. 2 simple rules - and no there should be no objects which disappear or are duplicated.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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Amaroth, do you mind me copying that to my Noggit FAQ? Because a lot of people have no idea how to get rid of disappearing models.

You should do that for sure.
Alot of people will need that advice. 

Lets say you want to edit Howling Fjord in Northrend.:



So, you open Northrend map, go to Howling Fjord and then you should mark all ADTs you will want to work on as edited by doing whatever in them. You can just click with flatten tool somewhere, or move some object a little bit to do so. When you are done, when all ADTs you will want to mod are edited, you can save. By that way you will mark area you will want to work on. So your Northrend will look somehow like this lets say:


And now, EVERYTIME you are working on ANY of these ADTs, you should mark ALL ADTs as edited. So ALWAYS before you save, your Northrend map will look like this.:


Do not save your map if all "orange" ADTs are not white-bordered. And always restart Noggit after saving. 2 simple rules - and no there should be no objects which disappear or are duplicated.

Thanks for the advice. This is surely help.

What about the lag on some parts. It's prolly due objects being spawned 10+ times?
Shall I just start over... again?

Live streaming World of Warcraft Content creation.
Come hang out! <3

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There might be another reasons for having lags in map edited by Noggit, but mot of them were gone with newere versions of app. Still, duplicated objects are the most common case. If you had about lets say 10000 objects on original ADTs and your duplications turned them into 20000-30000, then yes, you surely will have lags because of that, and quite likely only because of that.


About deleting duplicated objects... SDL 1.4 has in Assist menu function Clear duplicate models. I was told it is slightly bugged and I saw it sometimes clearing also models which were not duplicated, but you can give it a try. Anyway, don't use it more than once on a map.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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There might be another reasons for having lags in map edited by Noggit, but mot of them were gone with newere versions of app. Still, duplicated objects are the most common case. If you had about lets say 10000 objects on original ADTs and your duplications turned them into 20000-30000, then yes, you surely will have lags because of that, and quite likely only because of that.


About deleting duplicated objects... SDL 1.4 has in Assist menu function Clear duplicate models. I was told it is slightly bugged and I saw it sometimes clearing also models which were not duplicated, but you can give it a try. Anyway, don't use it more than once on a map.

It has only one bug. It removes also the models that share exactly the same coords. Like to model spawned inside each other. 

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Now does it? I have seen models which were not duplicated being deleted (yes, deleted, even "original" ones) right in front of my eyes when trying to use that function once. But its quite possible that it was linked with multiple-saves-created problem, because back in those times I still weren't aware of even that, I was just testing SDL 1.4.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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Now does it? I have seen models which were not duplicated being deleted (yes, deleted, even "original" ones) right in front of my eyes when trying to use that function once. But its quite possible that it was linked with multiple-saves-created problem, because back in those times I still weren't aware of even that, I was just testing SDL 1.4.

Particularly this function is really simple, it can't have any hidden bugs. The only "bug" (which is indeed a disadvantage of the formula") is the deletion of models sharing the same coords. That rarely happens even on Blizzard maps. And I don't actually mean duplication. It may be two different models, looking separate but sharing the same coords. Model removal may happen on save though, because the UID calculation formula introduced in SDL 1.3 is extremely stupid.

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  • 5 months later...

Les chroniques de la destinée. (Merci Alborq pour le nom)

Français :


Il y a bien longtemps, dans de lointaines contrés informatiques, vivait La quatrième Prophétie, T4C pour les intimes, monde imaginaire mais néanmoins peuplé de valeureux et valeureuses combattantes de la lumière ou de l'obscurité aussi d'ailleurs, monde peuplé de bestioles en tout genre, de PK et autres GM ...

Hummm, nostalgie quand tu nous tiens ...

Dans ce monde, votre personnage, au départ, n'a pas de classe bien précise et c'est en cour de jeu qu'il peut évoluer et prendre la direction que vous souhaitez. En disposant les points gagnes lors des level up, vous transformez votre personnage en magicien, archet, guerrier ...
Les sorts ne peuvent être appris que si vous avez le nombre de points de caractéristiques, par exemple intelligence et esprit, nécessaire.
Il en va de même pour les équipements et autres armes.

Dans WoW cela n'est malheureusement pas possible car ces points sont attribués de façon automatique, de même, les sorts sont tous les mêmes et seul l'équipement fera la différence pendant un temps.

Aussi, je pense qu'il est possible de modifier un peu le serveur et les dbc de façon à réaliser un serveur aussi RP (T4C) que possible de plus cela relancerait de beaucoup l'intérêt du jeu.
Imaginez un peu un mage guerrier portant cuir et bouclier mais avec des sorts de débutant (sic, on ne peut pas tout avoir).


English :

The Chronicles of destiny. (Alborq Thanks for the name)

It is a long time in computer distant countered lived Fourth Prophecy, T4C for short, imaginary world populated yet brave and valiant combatants of light or darkness for that matter, world populated with critters every kind of PK and other GM ...

Hmmm, nostalgia when you hold us ...

In this world, your character initially has no precise class and it's playground that can evolve and take the direction you want. By arranging the points earned at level up, you can transform your character magician, bow, warrior ...
Spells can be learned if you have the number of points of characteristics such intelligence and spirit necessary.
It's the same for equipment and other weapons.

In WoW this is unfortunately not possible because these points are awarded automatically, likewise spells are all the same and only the equipment will make the difference for a while.

Also, I think it is possible to change a bit the server and dbc in order to achieve such an RP server (T4C) as possible again this would boost much interest in the game.
Imagine wearing a leather warrior mage and shield but with beginner spells (sic, you can not have everything).
Google Traduction


Français :



Petit récapitulatif du projet :

Une sorte de clé de sécurité ...



Une petite interface pour l'attribution des points ...



Un parchemin de résurection ...

pierre10.jpg  pierre11.jpg




Les montures volantes sur les vieux continents.

vue_de10.jpg  vue_de11.jpg  vue_ar10.jpg  fend_l10.jpg


Des parchemins de téléportations.



Je suis aidé par Alborq, très grand mappeur de son état, qui m'a réalisé la première interface en lua, il a aussi mis en place deux races supplémentaires, de nouvelles maps  ...
Il m'aide beaucoup pour le codage et il me donne aussi beaucoup d'idées.

Après quelques modifications du serveur mon concept du rp est enfin une réalité. L'addon et le serveur communiquent parfaitement. Les points de rp mis en place via l'addon sont bien pris en compte par le serveur.

J'ai réussi à changer le fond avec une zolie zimage et je trouve que le rendu n'est pas si mal.


Quelques nouvelles sur la gestion des talents:

Il n'y a plus la limitation du nombre de point en fonction de la ligne.
En fonction du rang, le nombre de point de talent demandé est plus grand, par exemple :
- Rang 1, 1 point.
- Rang 2, 2 points.
- Rang 3, 3 points.
- Rang 4, 5 points.
- Rang 5, 6 points.

C'est pas donné mais le dernier rang donne toujours un bonus et cela force la spécialisation armes, sorts, ... Si on veut faire un guerrier on place ses points sur les armes et dérivé, pour ce qui touche à la magie, on les placera plutôt sur le spirituel et les sorts.

Voici un petit exemple :


Pas de quête donc pas de spell et pas de maitrise de spell.



Par-contre après avoir terminé les quêtes, on peut en fonction du nombre de points augmenter la maitrise.

Sympa non?

Les quêtes s'activent désormais en fonction des points de skills, chose qui ne fonctionnait pas avant. Je vais pouvoir avancer un peu dans la mise en place des quêtes et reprendre les "talents" avec un peu plus de sérénité.


Début de la mise en place des talents de maitrise des armes ...


et des sorts des arcanes.



Il reste encore beaucoup de choses à faire mais dans l'ensemble ça avance.


English :

Small summary of the project:

A sort of security key ...



A small interface for awarding points ...



A resurrection of parchment ...

pierre10.jpg  pierre11.jpg




Flying mounts on the old continent.

vue_de10.jpg  vue_de11.jpg  vue_ar10.jpg  fend_l10.jpg


teleportation scrolls.


I am helped by Alborq, great mapper his condition, which I realized the first interface in lua, he also set up two additional races, new maps ...
It helps me to code and it also gives me a lot of ideas.

After some server changes my concept rp is finally a reality. The addon and server communicate perfectly. Points rp in place via the addon are taken into account by the server.

I managed to change the background with zolie zimage and I think the record is not so bad.


Some news on talent management:

There is no longer the limitation of number of points depending on the line.
Depending on the rank, the number of required talent point is greater, for example:
- Rank 1, 1 point.
- Rank 2, 2 points.
- Rank 3, 3 points.
- Rank 4, 5 points.
- Rank 5, 6 points.

It's not cheap but the last row always gives a bonus and this weapon specialization strength, spells ... If we want a warrior placed his points on weapons and derivative, for which key to magic is rather place them on the spiritual and spells.

Here is a small example:


No is no quest spell and no spell-control.



By-cons after completing the quests, we can based on the number of points increase mastery.

Nice right?

The quests will now activate based on skill point, something that did not work before. I can move a little in the implementation of quests and take the "talents" with a little more serenity.

Beginning of the implementation of the weapons mastery talents ...


and Arcane spells.



There is still much to do but overall it beforehand.

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Les chroniques de la destinée. (Merci Alborq pour le nom)

Français :


Il y a bien longtemps, dans de lointaines contrés informatiques, vivait La quatrième Prophétie, T4C pour les intimes, monde imaginaire mais néanmoins peuplé de valeureux et valeureuses combattantes de la lumière ou de l'obscurité aussi d'ailleurs, monde peuplé de bestioles en tout genre, de PK et autres GM ...

Hummm, nostalgie quand tu nous tiens ...

Dans ce monde, votre personnage, au départ, n'a pas de classe bien précise et c'est en cour de jeu qu'il peut évoluer et prendre la direction que vous souhaitez. En disposant les points gagnes lors des level up, vous transformez votre personnage en magicien, archet, guerrier ...
Les sorts ne peuvent être appris que si vous avez le nombre de points de caractéristiques, par exemple intelligence et esprit, nécessaire.
Il en va de même pour les équipements et autres armes.

Dans WoW cela n'est malheureusement pas possible car ces points sont attribués de façon automatique, de même, les sorts sont tous les mêmes et seul l'équipement fera la différence pendant un temps.

Aussi, je pense qu'il est possible de modifier un peu le serveur et les dbc de façon à réaliser un serveur aussi RP (T4C) que possible de plus cela relancerait de beaucoup l'intérêt du jeu.
Imaginez un peu un mage guerrier portant cuir et bouclier mais avec des sorts de débutant (sic, on ne peut pas tout avoir).


English :

The Chronicles of destiny. (Alborq Thanks for the name)

It is a long time in computer distant countered lived Fourth Prophecy, T4C for short, imaginary world populated yet brave and valiant combatants of light or darkness for that matter, world populated with critters every kind of PK and other GM ...

Hmmm, nostalgia when you hold us ...

In this world, your character initially has no precise class and it's playground that can evolve and take the direction you want. By arranging the points earned at level up, you can transform your character magician, bow, warrior ...
Spells can be learned if you have the number of points of characteristics such intelligence and spirit necessary.
It's the same for equipment and other weapons.

In WoW this is unfortunately not possible because these points are awarded automatically, likewise spells are all the same and only the equipment will make the difference for a while.

Also, I think it is possible to change a bit the server and dbc in order to achieve such an RP server (T4C) as possible again this would boost much interest in the game.
Imagine wearing a leather warrior mage and shield but with beginner spells (sic, you can not have everything).
Google Traduction


Français :



Petit récapitulatif du projet :

Une sorte de clé de sécurité ...



Une petite interface pour l'attribution des points ...



Un parchemin de résurection ...

pierre10.jpg  pierre11.jpg




Les montures volantes sur les vieux continents.

vue_de10.jpg  vue_de11.jpg  vue_ar10.jpg  fend_l10.jpg


Des parchemins de téléportations.



Je suis aidé par Alborq, très grand mappeur de son état, qui m'a réalisé la première interface en lua, il a aussi mis en place deux races supplémentaires, de nouvelles maps  ...
Il m'aide beaucoup pour le codage et il me donne aussi beaucoup d'idées.

Après quelques modifications du serveur mon concept du rp est enfin une réalité. L'addon et le serveur communiquent parfaitement. Les points de rp mis en place via l'addon sont bien pris en compte par le serveur.

J'ai réussi à changer le fond avec une zolie zimage et je trouve que le rendu n'est pas si mal.


Quelques nouvelles sur la gestion des talents:

Il n'y a plus la limitation du nombre de point en fonction de la ligne.
En fonction du rang, le nombre de point de talent demandé est plus grand, par exemple :
- Rang 1, 1 point.
- Rang 2, 2 points.
- Rang 3, 3 points.
- Rang 4, 5 points.
- Rang 5, 6 points.

C'est pas donné mais le dernier rang donne toujours un bonus et cela force la spécialisation armes, sorts, ... Si on veut faire un guerrier on place ses points sur les armes et dérivé, pour ce qui touche à la magie, on les placera plutôt sur le spirituel et les sorts.

Voici un petit exemple :


Pas de quête donc pas de spell et pas de maitrise de spell.



Par-contre après avoir terminé les quêtes, on peut en fonction du nombre de points augmenter la maitrise.

Sympa non?

Les quêtes s'activent désormais en fonction des points de skills, chose qui ne fonctionnait pas avant. Je vais pouvoir avancer un peu dans la mise en place des quêtes et reprendre les "talents" avec un peu plus de sérénité.


Début de la mise en place des talents de maitrise des armes ...


et des sorts des arcanes.



Il reste encore beaucoup de choses à faire mais dans l'ensemble ça avance.


English :

Small summary of the project:

A sort of security key ...



A small interface for awarding points ...



A resurrection of parchment ...

pierre10.jpg  pierre11.jpg




Flying mounts on the old continent.

vue_de10.jpg  vue_de11.jpg  vue_ar10.jpg  fend_l10.jpg


teleportation scrolls.


I am helped by Alborq, great mapper his condition, which I realized the first interface in lua, he also set up two additional races, new maps ...
It helps me to code and it also gives me a lot of ideas.

After some server changes my concept rp is finally a reality. The addon and server communicate perfectly. Points rp in place via the addon are taken into account by the server.

I managed to change the background with zolie zimage and I think the record is not so bad.


Some news on talent management:

There is no longer the limitation of number of points depending on the line.
Depending on the rank, the number of required talent point is greater, for example:
- Rank 1, 1 point.
- Rank 2, 2 points.
- Rank 3, 3 points.
- Rank 4, 5 points.
- Rank 5, 6 points.

It's not cheap but the last row always gives a bonus and this weapon specialization strength, spells ... If we want a warrior placed his points on weapons and derivative, for which key to magic is rather place them on the spiritual and spells.

Here is a small example:


No is no quest spell and no spell-control.



By-cons after completing the quests, we can based on the number of points increase mastery.

Nice right?

The quests will now activate based on skill point, something that did not work before. I can move a little in the implementation of quests and take the "talents" with a little more serenity.

Beginning of the implementation of the weapons mastery talents ...


and Arcane spells.



There is still much to do but overall it beforehand.

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  • 5 years later...

Je ne sais pas trop pourquoi mais mon projet a atterrie au mauvais endroit, pourriez vous le remettre dans les projets?

I don’t know why, but my project landed in the wrong place, could you put it back in the projects?

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