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Randomize race+class remove

By Simple_spectr
in Interface

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Hey! :)

I deleted some race (and class) icons from charactercreate.xml (From Char create screen) so its worked fine until I'm not pressed create new character button. After I press this button, game showed to me random race+class. So, who know how to remove this randomize with xml\lua or dbc? (I've already tried all xml, lua and dbc and I couldn't find decision.)

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The charactercreate.xml is only there for interfacing, the charactercreate.lua for management and other options .

You must change your charactercreate.lua to manage classes and races that you want to use.

Could you share your charactercreate.lua ?

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Easier to see in :

function CharacterCreate_Randomize()


Maybe with a local className = GetSelectedClass (); you could have the name of the class and do another CharacterCreate_Randomize (); if this corresponds to a prohibited class, the same with a local raceName = GetSelectedRace ();


function CharacterCreate_Randomize()


    local GoodRaceClass = 0;

    while ( GoodRaceClass == 0 ) do

         local raceName = GetSelectedRace ();

         local className = GetSelectedClass ();

        if ((className == "Good Class") and (raceName == "Good Race")) then

              GoodRaceClass = 1;





Something like that.







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