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[Need Help] WoW DBC Editor

By dashker
in Random

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Hey everyone!, i need help with my tool, is developed in C#.

My Tool consist in a Visual DBC + DB editor

So for example, when do you add a new model for a weapon the program it will do all your job in the database.


Things to implement:

  • ChrClasses
  • All items DBC
  • Skills/Spells DBC
  • DB/Server Bridge
  • Another Wanted DBC Files

The code is shit i know it and i have to do more objects i know it

Apart from this... Help is wanted, but only developers.

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1 hour ago, Oldarorn said:

You should pick some code from here, it may help you


I'm not a developer but if just a repo can help you...

i take this code and make a playground, to understand this code but i think it's a pretty good code, is my idea but better done, i have my own dbc reader and writer, but the difference is that i done manually to add or replace or remove a record, and the world editor library is doing by itself and it's more easyier, so save my time :D i think i can code a perrty good tool right now, the only thing i need is my fucking system translator working :( my algorith is not correct :( 

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