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Selective collision adding - How is it done ?

By Allifeur
in Modeling

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Hello everybody,

I recently started to rework some old Elwynn models so they could fit with our modern graphics. Ingame, everything seems to work fine, but there is an invisibile issue here : The models are heavy ! This bridge alone takes 125Ko, which is way more than other similar models.


 In fact, half of this M2 size is due to collisions : Collision Adder gives every single face its own rigidity without discrimination. Any rope, any part of a wooden plank will be solid.


Since I'm not planning to create World of Antcraft, this is a big waste of computer resources : If I don't find a solution, all of this will stack up and make the game unaccessible for weaker engines... So I would like to know how I can filter the collision adding, or make a collision sub-model mixed with the original one, something like this :


Thank you for your attention.

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As for M2, you can use this: 

As for WMOs which I'd recommned you to use with any walkable objects for multiple reasons (material footstep sounds, working vmaps/mmaps, etc). It is done via collision vertex groups. You assign only geometry that you need. If something needs to be added, just leave this geoemtry without WoW material and it will not get exported as real geometry but can be still assigned as collision data.

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