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Simple Blender Question- UV

By Thoraric
in Modeling

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I modified a texture in blender, but when I reopened the model in blender the textures weren't save in the new position. I clicked the button like in the image "Save all Images" but it didn't save. How to apply changes on the wmo-s texture?
On the picture you can see my texture which weren't save after export the wmo. And it changed to standard position.

save image.png

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The WMO exporter does not care about applied textures. It reads materials. I suggest you using Material Utils plugin for Blender to automatically "bake" material units from applied textures. Also do not forget to do Edge Split to avoid T-vertices. 

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Bah Yesterday I thought it worked but I was sleepy to inspect it in Model Viewer. 
Steps what I do: Import wmo, edit mode, shift+Q, select by material, choose the roof material, in the right window i replace the image then I press shift+Q again, and material to texface.
In modelviewer thw whole model went white. 

I don't have materials from pictures choice.


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by the way if you need to just replace the texture of roof then import your wmo, go to material tab, select roof material here and in wow material tab change the path to your texture and then export your wmo

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When I choose textface to material the blender delete every single texture from the model, I have to put them on again? And how to adjust the material? And why is it crash when I try to look at the model in game? :(


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