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Ogre Draenor M2i

By Uthil
in Retro-Porting

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Hey folks, i was wondering if anyone has manage to pull OgreDraenor m2i for the draenor model. As i already post in modcraft forum section about redux, when trying to pull it it crashes since it has issues with vertexcount and as alastor said theres no code left for 4.6.1 so someone can update it.

My questions is does already anyone manage to pull that model m2i ? From what i saw also in WMV when you preview the ogre m2 it present it to you like 4-5 models overlapping each other. I mean theres should be the normal ogre but also 4 different versions are on top of each other. Is like blizzard was fracking borred to create different models and staff and just create 4 in 1 so game just only read what it wants. If anyone has it can he provide it to me that m2i so i can use it to downport for my prohect ?

Thanks in advance

Uthil aka Zerocool.

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2 hours ago, MR.Farrarie said:

you have to remove the highsubmesh from skin 00 many cool submeshes will be lost though

When you mean many cool, what you mean ? I dont care to loose those models having the armors on it. Just care to get the normal model. As long that doesn't get affected it then ill give it a shot. If normal model is getting affected i dont see a reason to spend time at this moment since im working close to a beta. Just asked if case scenario for that goes somewhat "easy".

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And thanks to MR.Farrarie help here i manage to edit the model. If all goes good soon it will serve its purpose in game. Thanks Mr Farrarie Capture.thumb.JPG.487cd1c395f1e99ebac6c0

--UPDATE : After export and retroporting works like charm !:D

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If you wanted to do it this way you could ask for that script since i told you that you could do it liek this almost 10 days ago :D

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33 minutes ago, Alastor StrixEfuartus said:

If you wanted to do it this way you could ask for that script since i told you that you could do it liek this almost 10 days ago :D

Really? Damn, honestly i cant recall mate. But thanks anyway, your help and many others here is really appreciated. Without you guys i would be in stone age in what involves wow modding O.o:P

Here an in-game screenshot, beta state, working the textures5759258840d6a_WoW2016-06-0911-06-55.thum :

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I also ill try a workaround to see if i can load the model with more armor without decimate it too much. I want to replace Kromrush model too, tho after that edit all heavy armors destroyed. I was right about that looks like it was 2-3 models in one, found 2 bodies set and 2 head sets, damn blizzard.

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