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010 MFBO editor scripts

By Thoraric
in Level Design

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I have an issue which is visible on the first picture, I have problem with copy pasted ADT in azeroth. The problem is from the height differences according to my opinion.I used the script and template from this site but i have a problem when i run the script on my ADT-s. What am i doing wrong? What is the solution?




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I just don't get it, I should make run the template on the script and then run the script on the files? I tried run everything on everything and i get always error. Is there any tutorial for dumbs?

When I run the script

*ERROR Line 36: Variable 'ADT_file' is undefined.  

When I run the template

*ERROR Line 271: Template passed end of file at variable 'magic'.


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Just run the script by itself. Not template, and not script on the file. Just script on (none). I do not make half-finished scripts that are getting run on the file directly. I always make an opening dialogue window asking you to select either files or specify a directory.


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