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Trinity core structure for creature display

By Zebrech
in Serverside

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Hello guys,

It's been a while that i did nooooothing because of my studies and well ... TC changed a lot.

I tried to replace all old wolf skins by WOD wolf skins. So i injected new models in creaturemodeldata.dbc, create some new skins for each color in creaturedisplayinfo.dbc and change them in the server by sql querry. Nothing was update so i was looking for something wrong and i see a new table in world : creature_model_info. I added all my new displays in this table but nothing was update too. 

So i think it works like this now : creaturemodeldata.dbc>creaturedisplayinfo.dbc>creature_model_info table>"VERIFICATION">Display ingame

But i have no idea about what is VERIFICATION.

If someone can tell me, or correct me...


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