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Some results and future goals

By Skarn
in Announcements

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Hello, Model-Changing Network!

It has really been a while since we posted something community related here. Yet, the work on the website was still slowly going on and now I want to summarize everything that has been done during this winter and spring months and also talk a little about the new features. 

I personally would also like to hear your opinions on some ideas, features and other things, so please take some time to read this post ;).

Besides upgrading our software to the lastest available version of Invision Power Suite, we have also installed a couple of new features that could and most likely would be useful for our community - the FAQ system and Awards system. So, I want to ask you about the way you think we may use these systems.

FAQ: You can find the new module by choosing "More" in the upper menu and then clicking on "FAQ System". So, this is a full featured FAQ system that, in my opinion, may help us to collect and document all the common problems and obstacles that WoW modders face during the creative process. Right now there is only a section for Noggit-related questions and the WoW Error (crash) section is also to come soon. Even though you cannot create sections yourself, if you have something to document and it does not fit into any of the created categories, just let me know. However, every member is free to add new question/answer topics to any of the categories.

I'd like to hear your opinions guys on how we can organize the FAQ sections better, what types of issues we could document and solve there. Also feel free to anyhow constructively criticize the idea and tell me honestly what is bad about it (I hope nothing :D), that also includes expressing your own ideas.

Awards: The other less significant change that was made even before FAQ is Awards system. Basically now we can award members that have created something outstanding, contributed to the community in a major way and so on. This is a feature for the community and it should be driven by the community, in my opinion. So, I ask you members of MC-Net to express your ideas on how we can award our best memebers and what kind of awards should we have. The sample award could be seen on my profile page (also will be displayed under user's avatar on every post). 

Also feel free to discuss here any ideas, opinions or problems related to the community that you consider worth to be discussed.

And yes, we want to say thank you for everyone using MC-Net and especially to those who contribute to the community. Even though the community is not yet very active, it is fascinating to know that about 300 different people regularly visit it and use the gained knowledge to bring their WoW modding ideas into life. Thank you for reading!


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Honestly, I don't know which awards should be given. For amount of posts/content? Amount of pictures? Galleries? Rep? Resources shared in download section?

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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Cant say much about awards, you can award a person/team working something prototype, complicated fancy/pansy as the Prototype team/person of the month and make a section that the most prototype ideas or projects that these or that person contribute. Also it can be some tools as an idea not only a creation of a map or model.

Like my project and you like to support me you can do it here!

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I certainly do not want to award people for amount of posts. One may spam a lot around the board or ask only questions without contributing and so on. That's not the way I wanted to do it. I like an idea to award people with the best release of the months. I am taking tha as the criteria is calculated by our forum engine itself. Though, other awards like for creating an outstanding project, tool or movie are something that should be community driven and I do not yet know how to organize it properly. I do not want to do any biased decisions on choosing people to award.

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1 minute ago, Deleted User said:

We definitely need a "Valkryst Approves" award for outstanding excellence in the field of anything I approve of. :D

One thing I think is pretty weird, is that the "Back To Top" bar is visible while you're at the top of the page.

Is it? Dissapears for me as soon as you scroll to top.

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7 hours ago, Deleted User said:

Weird, it's working like that now, but most of the time when I'm on the site it'll stick around.

What's your screen resolution? Also that could possibly be a browser cache bug.

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