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Retro Porting Cata to Wotlk ( Creature )

By Noones
in Retro-Porting

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Hello everyone,

i know im asking to many questions :P

but still i got the following problem: I followed the Retro Porting Guide in this Forum about porting Cata Creatures to WOTLK.


i downloaded the Folder from the creature "Whaleshark", Converted it via Cata to LK m2, added an entry to CreatureModelData.dbc, added 4 rows ( 4 skins ) to creaturedisplayinfo.dbc, added the display ids to creature_model_info in the database. The creature / the morph just makes me invisible and unable to move, could anyone help me with it?

What did i do wrong? I tried this Tutorial with different entrys, no success.


Greetings Noones



Edit: A few Screenshots:

1. CreatureModelData.dbc:

http://prntscr.com/af1oum ( I Tried M2 since .MDX didnt work, already changed it back to .mdx, still no success )

2. CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc:


3. Creature Folder:


4. Creature_model_info Database:


5. Creature_template:




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The converter is not up to date, you have to remove the MH21 chunk manually before using it.

And it's possible that particles are not handled well.


When you're invisible and unable to move it means the model has a problem.

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Have you tried to morph yourself into the creature ? (on TC you can morph without changing anything in the server)

Are the dbc on your serveur updated as well ?

if you've put the .mdx back the dbc looks fines to me, and if the server does not recognize the model id it doesn't spawn the model.

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Yes the Server and Patch files are both the same ( with the model in it )

i can morph into it ( same bug, invisible, cant move )

in the Patch i got the Folder Creature\Whaleshark\ with all files in it

Could you take a look @ the screenshots i posted? Maybe i made a mistake here?


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