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Hardcoded Textures

By Uthil
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Heya all, i found a new model in the legion and i turn it for my project. The model provides 4 skin textures that i add them also in the M2 model folder as also i add the hardocoded textures in the specific folder. My problem is that the Hardcoded textures demands also 1 of those skin textures to be in so i can't use the rest of the textures to give the model the texture variation that it has. Is any possible way that i can also use the rest skin textures or im in a dead end.

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22 hours ago, wungasaurus said:

In https://wowdev.wiki/M2/WotLK#Textures, change type to n=11…13.

In https://wowdev.wiki/M2/WotLK#Replacable_texture_lookup, change the nth entry to the index of the texture you changed.

Thanks for replying. With the first chance of free time im gonna test, kinda occupied from work these days.

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Here the change that i made


Tho what i made it was half way done since i update yesterday to 21249 build and the model didn't had the hardcoded textures inside any more. Before 21249 the texture was hardcoded. Im really deep down on it since i have 2 more models for replacement and i want to do them since they have too hardcoded textures. So if anyone can pop a quick guide/tutorial about the changes and how must be done i'd be really appreciated.

Edited by Uthil
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I worked on those 2 models mentioned above, haven't test them yet. I'll post what i did soon, since im kinda busy from work, and i hope someone can correct me help fix if did something wrong.

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1. get propeth Listfile

( if you dont have it then seek for it ) 
2. find skin texture in DBCs

3. try it manualy ( model Alexstrasza.M2 has texture named Alexstrasza1.blp so unexpected ! ) 
4. eat burger 

5. tell us what model it is so i can have a look for texture on my own (if you already mentionde name of model somewhere its my bad i normaly dont read posts/topics i just scroll down in 10 sec and answer ) 
6. no idea what should be step six ... 

7. im done 

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On 17/3/2016 at 10:01 PM, Alastor StrixEfuartus said:

1. get propeth Listfile

( if you dont have it then seek for it ) 
2. find skin texture in DBCs

3. try it manualy ( model Alexstrasza.M2 has texture named Alexstrasza1.blp so unexpected ! ) 
4. eat burger 

5. tell us what model it is so i can have a look for texture on my own (if you already mentionde name of model somewhere its my bad i normaly dont read posts/topics i just scroll down in 10 sec and answer ) 
6. no idea what should be step six ... 

7. im done 

Wungasaurus already gave a helpful clue on what to look. Also i dont have a "secret" game model, its that i have to gather things first before i move creating a post, so all can understand what problem im facing.

Now to the point, the model that i worked is the Warnightsaber mount. I didn't use the hex to edit those values that Wungasaurus mentioned since i was using blender to edit model first. Now what i face is this :

Original model


After blender edit


The armor textures got fubar. What i did is that i insert the model to blender, i uvmap the textures, then i removed the flag meshes.

I export model and used the Modredux to turn back to M2. Redux tho crashed so directly i thought that something didn't work well when i removed the flag meshes. So i put the model back to see what went wrong. And thats the result. So is any way possible that i can "force" those armor textures to work properly after i removed the flag meshes ?

I tried a couple of things but nothing went as i wanted, so before i move to the tip that Wungasaurus said i have to fix the armor texture first.


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geoset have no idea what texture to use how it seems ...

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So i tried it on my own and srsly that M2 redux crashed for me too ... but nwm i figured out how to get i t working ...



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Thanks mate that you spend some time to work the model too and create the tut. Tho was sometimes to you were doing it fast inside blender o.O. Anyway i saw the video tut to see the whole procedure. Im gonna get a try as soon ill get back from work. Im goona download you file tho ill kepp aside for storage and hex reference. I want to do it my self, since thats my reason starting this project,so i want to sum up the points :

1) You had to join model meshes with armor meshes,

2) You made creature texture and armor texture a single one.

3) Last move was to Hex edit and make those correction.

Correct me if im wrong.

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Ok i manage to do it my self, tho i found something. I didnt delete that .skin02 file. i add it too when i used Kowards tool to convert down to classic, and guess what, i didnt had to Hex edit the renderflag section at all. Also to make a difference that i worked my model as a prove i made a modyfication by adding a pair of spikes into the head armor. Tho the result was funny when i convert it since the spikes was floating and was not following head model actions. I think that i have to merge the spike meshes into head piece so become one single object. But anyway i delete those and export model and all work fine and sweet. Thanks for the time and help mate .WarnightSaber.thumb.jpg.f0521d1299f02c60


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As i said, i didn't delete .skin02 and wanted to test those original transparent textures. So here is the result, which is really nice and im proud :D, first model that doesn't bust me so much. Now the weird part of creating the variety from wungasaurus info. WoWScrnShot_032016_122951.thumb.jpg.9a1a

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1 hour ago, Alastor StrixEfuartus said:

Did you riggified those spikes ?

What you mean ? Deleted them ? No i just made a new save with no spikes.

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Thanks for that video tut, now i changed the human mount, tho im starting to believe that something is going wrong when redux is getting the file back to M2.

Original image


Now after editing the model and export to game :


Textures so bad, and mount tail and ass small section near heads is messed up with no textures applied even if i created the double textures. I re created the mount with different groups, again same effect.

Is it possible redux author gets update ? Just asking.

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No idea i want to get source code of m2 redux and fix all those fails cuz as long as i am using it i want it working but lastest code aviable is 4.5 but prog. is 4.6.1 and i dont want to just forbid all those edits in range of 0.1.1

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Aha i see,i think its the only at the moment for MoP+WoD+Legion working. I have philips M2Mod4 for LK+Cata which is nice at the moment. I hope you can make a fix easily if you decide to work with it.

Edited by Uthil
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok i had some free time to spend and made a few tests, here is a quick testing and finally model came out working without any hiccups !


Tho still i face a small problem with those "low" textures appearance, Is it because i used the remove duplicates tool or another factor makes textures seems low ress even if you only lower them size ?

Im gonna make a new test tomorrow without removing the duplicates just to see the behavior.


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from this point of view textures looks fines 
and remove duplicates is geoset editing tool it has nothing to do with texture rendering

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5 hours ago, Alastor StrixEfuartus said:

from this point of view textures looks fines 
and remove duplicates is geoset editing tool it has nothing to do with texture rendering

Well from close enough texture seems kinda blur and not so clear as the original or the saber mount.Like the 1st picture that i had the problem with the tail.

Oh i see the point, tho i thought that since you delete those duplicates you lower the number of meshes, so it might make an object poor on mesh counts so when texture is over it it gets like stretched to work and loose the detail. I might be wrong here so correct me.

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There is no difference between those two so there is no difeerence in your model ( and just for that correction i were deleting vertexis / edges / faces ) now whole mesh || (mesh = geoset)   ||  (model=at last one or more geosets)


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